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By Flcrazy

A garden flower photo

favorite daylilies 'priscilla's rainbow'

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I shall have to try to find this kind to add to my daylily collection. I have been growing lots of daylilies, because the deer that visit my gardens don't seem to like them...BUT they love the asiatic ones.

11 Mar, 2008


What a Colour this flowers Lovely it looks SOFT !

11 Mar, 2008


Early spring I deal with deer and rabbits eating the tender new growth. But after spring has sprung, so to speak, they seem to move on to greener pasters thankfully..!

12 Mar, 2008


It's amazing how many different daylily varieties there are. This one is very pretty. I've been looking for the old fashioned daylilies (so naturalized, they are almost a wild flower) that my Mom called Twelth of July Lilies..fellow goY member 'talljim' just posted a picture of one. Halleluja.
Don't know about you but all that fiddling with plant dna bothers me.
I've often thought of doing a tour of abandoned farmhouses to find some of the old varieties of garden plants...from fruit trees to roses to daylilies..etc.

14 Mar, 2008


I happen to have tons of the lilies your looking for,we call them ditch lilies here.The botanical name is Hemerocallis Fulva. I have the single and the double form. You can't kill the things and they grow anywhere, and I do mean ANYWHERE. I threw several clumps over a revene, down into the woods. The next year, I look down over the hill and there they are growing in the woods on top of the ground. They are great to grow if you have clay soil and can't get out there and amend it, or if you have a shade garden. I'ts the only daylily I know of that not only will grow, but will boom and mulitply in full shade conditions.

14 Mar, 2008

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