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Strawberries.............before the cream............


By Milky

Strawberries.............before the cream............

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So they'll be ready for Wimbledon - about 8 weeks to go!

30 Apr, 2009


Ha Chloe and Milly make sure that they dont even get out of the garden gate Dawn, let alone Wimbledon. And I love them straight off the plant, still warm from the sun, and just as they are..............

30 Apr, 2009


Mmmmm, I can almost smell them. If I lived next door to you I would be scrumping your peas straight from the plant too, lol.

30 Apr, 2009


We could have a Strawberry Pea party Dawn he he he he

30 Apr, 2009


Good idea Maureen. I love gooseberries straight from the plant as well, along with blackcurrants, oh and what about raspberries - I just walk around grazing the produce, lol. Watch out, I'll be round your's now I know what you have available, ha ha.

30 Apr, 2009


We have Raspberries Loganberries, as well, No currants though, Nectarines apples pears, .........

30 Apr, 2009


Wow, you are very productive - I really admire your skill. Do the nectarines grow outside? We have a peach tree, this year it has tiny, furry little fruits. We have pear, apple and plum trees but as we get late frosts its always a bit hit and miss. Your garden looks so advanced, brilliant.

30 Apr, 2009


The nectarine, I over~ winter under the Lean to at the back of the house. I have it in a huge pot so that SP can move it around for me when it needs I wont put it out into the open until the middle of May at least because of the cold rain causing Peach Leaf Curl.............

30 Apr, 2009


so nice! I gave up on mine, they're just growing as ornamental plants now..

1 May, 2009


Does the nectarine fruit then Maureen? Funny you should mention peach leaf curl - ours has got it a bit - appeared a couple of days ago. The recent rain must have caused it then :(

1 May, 2009


Needs a dose of Cheshunt compound then Dawn, that should sort it out.........

1 May, 2009


Thanks Maureen - I'll put that on the list.

1 May, 2009


Mmmmm.....strawberries and cream.........I have four in a pot now I have a smaller garden but the taste of a freshly picked strawberry Mmmmmm!!!!!
A very long time ago we went to Devon on holiday and I can remember my mother taking my sister and I though strawberry fields to pick our own.

3 May, 2009


We have Pick Your Own strawberry fields around here Linda - when we were kids we used to eat so many whilst picking that we felt sick on the way home, lol.

3 May, 2009


Thats because you were greedy Dawn ha ha ha ha .............There is nothing like the taste of a fresh picked strawberry, still warm from the sun........

3 May, 2009


You're not wrong Maureen, greedy then and still am, ha ha. Those supermarket strawberries are a waste of money arent they - tasteless.

3 May, 2009


Dont buy them Dawn, come and spend a glutton weekend with me he he he cream just strawberries.............

3 May, 2009


Mmmm, bliss. Do you have a problem with slugs? I remember my Dad having nets over his to protect them from the birds and just when you think you've found the perfect strawberry, on the other side is a slug hole. :(

3 May, 2009


Dont worry DAWN....I will give you a sharp knife to cut those bits out ha ha ha ha ha ha .............yes is the answer slugs are a gardeners Freddie Kruger...............

3 May, 2009


Oh, thats OK, I'm quite well trained in biting the nibbled bits off and promptly spitting out, lol.

3 May, 2009


Dont you spit in my garden.....Tut tut....ha ha ha ha

3 May, 2009


Ha ha, OK, I'll politely swallow, lol, lol.

3 May, 2009


No you dont have to .............cut it off and chuck it next door.............

3 May, 2009


Ha ha, good plan.

3 May, 2009


yeh......thats what I thought...............

3 May, 2009


Now have I got this right.....don't the very large slugs with orange sides eat the very small slugs? Or is that a myth.

4 May, 2009


Dont know Linda - I think the little white slugs do more damage than the big blacks ones though :(

4 May, 2009


The slugs I am talking about are a light browny beige in colour and have an orange stripe down each side. They must be about one and a half to two inches big.

4 May, 2009


I know hedgehogs eat slugs but I didnt know they were cannibals, lol.! Let's hope they are.

4 May, 2009


My hedgehogs seem to be doing a good job of keeping the population of slugs and snails down and they visit every night, grunting as they manouver betweent the plants.

5 May, 2009


Think I might have to find myself a couple of hedgehogs around here then, Havent seen one at all for years.........

5 May, 2009


We are only a few hundred yards from the fields. Gerry saw a sparrowhawk come down and sit on the fence yesterday.

6 May, 2009


Pity the sparrow hawk doesnt eat slugs, lol.

9 May, 2009

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