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Our pond isnt yet in its full glory but won't be long.

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Oh Dawn you are sooooo so lucky to have such a fantastic pond , it,s a dream .... :o)

3 May, 2009


Thanks Amy. It looks nice when the lillies flower :) I have to keep the reeds around the edge in check though as they go mad, along with the bullrushes - you can the stems of last year's at the top right of the picture.

3 May, 2009


Do you have a natural spring to feed it Dawn ? we have some friends with a similar pond , they have a problem in that in a very dry summer it dries up , they then have to try to save the fish . :o(

3 May, 2009


gosh is this your pond dawns... its so lovely,was it already there or did you do all this

3 May, 2009


Yes Amy, we do have a spring. The spring runs out of the bank from the adjoining field which is behind the pond, so we have a small ditch that lets it enter the pond, then we have an outlet ditch to keep the level consistent and this goes to the brook. Nice really as the water isnt stagnant and is of course natural.

3 May, 2009


Hello San - yes it's ours and it keeps me very busy, lol. We had it done about 8 years ago. This area was always damp all year round so thought it an ideal spot to have a pond. We had a man with a JCB and he made me an island in the middle :)

3 May, 2009


well you have made it lovely,,bet you get lots of wildlife around there, perfect for some peace to :o)
ps, sorry dawn foretting to say hello,,, hi dawn

3 May, 2009


We do Sandra. The moor hens have babies which they keep tucked away in the reeds, we get a glimpse now and again and 2 mallards are around (pity they're not on the photo) so hopefully she will produce her babies soon. Lots of toads and frogs with dragon flies to follow :)

3 May, 2009


thats great,, like the frogs and toads, we occasionally get frogs from the fields near by,, at least im in a village close to the wildlife, so get to go for walks just round the corner in summer

3 May, 2009


Sounds lovely Sandra. It's just great at this time of year isnt it. Has it stopped raining there? Fine here but I think we're in for a wet day tomorrow :( Nevermind, I'll go in the greenhouse!

3 May, 2009


sounds like an ideal stuation Dawn , perfect ..

It made me smile when you said you had a man with a JCB as my brother in law in Wales has acres of land , a lot of it is wet , he bought himself a JCB to dig out a lake , filled it with trout , then dug another one , and then another one , sister in law couldn,t stop him from digging lakes , he now has black Swans , white Swans every conceivable kind of duck , it,s like a nature reserve so watch out if John decides to buy a JCB ..LOL ...

PS I never could catch a Trout .....

3 May, 2009


oh yes dawn its stopped a while ago and wasnt here for long, but has been a bit windy today, so we havent done much, wish i had a greenhouse but dont really have the room,, well not without moving everything about, dont think thats a good idea when i just got the garden how i wanted it lol, baz would devorse me haha

3 May, 2009


I'll try not to encourage John Amy although he does keep saying a mini digger would be useful for us! Your brother and sister in law's place sounds great and all those lovely swans. A couple of swans landed here once - didnt stay long though. I would like some Mandarin ducks but I would worry about the fox getting them - I think I'll stick to the wild mallards, lol. Big money in trout farming, I believe. Method in his madness!

3 May, 2009


Best to give the greenhouse a miss Sandra if it might result in divorce, lol. I've got my tomatoes and cucumbers set now - they need tying up tomorrow. :-) And I have some pricking out to do too.

3 May, 2009


well at least you can get that done when rain , and wont be tempted to go in garden, all jobs that need to be done dawn,,

3 May, 2009


I have a little notebook Sandra. When I walk round with Bonnie I jot down the jobs that I need to do - just in case I forget, ha ha. Hence, its a very long list and on the back I write down John's jobs, lol.

3 May, 2009


i suppose you have to keep notes when you have a big garen to keep up, at least i can just look out and know exactly what needs doing, but it must be nice to walk round your garden and see so many differant plants and trees etc,, worth all the hard work dawn,, just slip a couple of extra jobs on john`s list lol

3 May, 2009


Me and Bonnie usually take our first walk at about 7am and when its a lovely sunny morning I love it. Heard the cuckoo today for the first time at 5.30am - it woke me up, lol.

3 May, 2009


nice to hear but could do with being a bit later dont you think dawn,, no concideration these birds,,lol,, excuse the spelling if wrong,,,not my strong point

3 May, 2009


I agree, they are very noisy first thing in the morning, I'll have to have a word with them. Forgot to mention, we get a king fisher visiting the pond too, but having said that I've not seen him since the cold weather :(

3 May, 2009


they are so beautiful,, very lucky to have that,, hope he comes back now the weather is warmer,

3 May, 2009


I'll be looking out for him although I usually hear him first, they are quite noisy for a little bird.

3 May, 2009


take some pics if you get chance,,, would be nice

3 May, 2009


I will try, he appears of course when no camera to hand and he is very, very shy. I would need a camera with a good zoom too. If he re-appears (he used to visit daily) I'll sit and wait, and wait and wait, lol. Until I get a pic.

3 May, 2009


Dawn................your garden /grounds/acreage is are so lucky............I would be in 7th heaven.................

3 May, 2009


Aww Maureen, thanks, that means alot!

3 May, 2009


so pleased to see your pond/lake. It must have taken a lot of hard work and money, but now its a home to so much wildlife. thank goodness for gardeners like you and hubby

3 May, 2009


I,ve always wanted to but never seen a King fisher Dawn , We were only saying today that we hadn,t heard a cuckoo yet .. !

Tony,s sister breeds Goats as well Dawn , she use to show them at the county shows , her barns are full of rosettes , she had a stroke last year so now she only keeps some as pets .. it is nice where they are with all the animals .......

3 May, 2009


Thanks Mageth - yes, lots of work involved but well worth it as the wildlife love it and us too :)

3 May, 2009


I think the cuckoo is later this year Amy. I usually hear it around my birthday which is third week in April. The king fisher has been visiting for about 3 years now, I hadnt seen one before but I must say, once seen, never forgotten. They are so, so blue with a bright orange underside, amazing and quite small. I do hope it returns as it came most days to feed on the minnows in the pond and in the brook.
My dad used to keep goats when I was a child to keep the grass down and for their milk - I dont like cow's milk much never mind goats. They were nice though and when they had their kids I loved it.

3 May, 2009


I hate goats milk Dawn , when we go visiting I have to pretend that I like tea without milk ... which I don,t mind anyway !

Wow , it must be brilliant to know that the kingfisher is likely to come back I hope you will manage to get a photo ..

3 May, 2009


I hate it too Amy - my mum wouldnt buy cow's milk as we had goats milk so I drank (and still do) tea and coffee black.
As regards getting a photo of the kingfisher, well, I will try but he is so shy - just hope he comes back.

3 May, 2009


Very tranquil, beautiful

4 May, 2009


Thanks Norfolk :)

4 May, 2009


What a beautiful sight Dawn, you must be very proud of your pond

4 May, 2009


Thanks Deida, yes I do love the pond and its evolving all the time.

4 May, 2009


Lovely....your pond is a credit to you Dawn.See why you might fancy a boat when tidying ! : )

4 May, 2009


Hi Jane/Ray, At the moment I go in as far as my wellies will allow with a plastic sledge, pulling it behind me lol and use that to collect the reeds and keep going back to the bank to unload

4 May, 2009


Looks like a beaver house in the middle there :)

4 May, 2009


Great photo Dawn,
Lovely place for all your little friends to live. Well done on making it so lovely.

5 May, 2009


Hi Tasteyg: I guess it does, lol. but never seen a beaver around here, lol.
DrBob: Thank you, your endorsement is appreciated. :)

5 May, 2009


fantastic Dawn!

16 May, 2009


Thanks Arlene - can you see the bullrushes in the top right hand corner - wait till yours are like that!

16 May, 2009


I can see the island :) Do the Ducks still stay Dawn ? :)

17 May, 2009


Yes Jacque, we have a pair that come and go - thought we would have seen babies by now but not yet. The moorhens have babies and I've been trying to get photos today but they are so, so shy. The chicks are gorgeous, there are 5 of them, when they see me they dive under the water, bless. They stay in the reeds most of the time.

17 May, 2009


AAAAAwwwwwww they have such Long Green Legs dont they lol :D I do hope ul see some Baby Ducks2 :)

17 May, 2009


I hope so too Jacque. The baby moorhens are just black balls of fluff, they are so cute.

17 May, 2009


lol :)

17 May, 2009


What a lovely site. This is looking fantastic.

25 May, 2009


Thanks Garden Gnome!

25 May, 2009


What a fantastic looking pond Dawnsaunt. It looks so natural, and must be filled to the brim with wildlife !

27 May, 2009


It is FLC - lots of damsel flies around at the moment :-)

2 Jun, 2009


Wow. You have a lovely garden. Your pics are great.

5 Jun, 2010


Hi Brinjay, thank you very much :-)

6 Jun, 2010

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