And with the warmth Comes the MONSTER!
By Greenthumb

5 May, 2009
This is the first of our 27 varieties of mosquito. Big and slow, they get smaller and faster as the season progresses. Already enough numbers that there isn't a peaceful moment out of the sun. It might be a bad year.
Comments on this photo
She was dead right after the shot. :-) I haven't tried the CO2 lure. I was hearing the mosquito magnet works well, is that one of those? I am just fortunate that I have a lawn, foliage is their favorite hiding place out of the sun. Some people are so much worse off. the days of freindly face slaps and thank yous are right around the
5 May, 2009
oh my thats a big one. we get tiny midges in the evening. they seem to love me.;-((
5 May, 2009
Now I've seen this, maybe not so peaceful.
5 May, 2009
5 May, 2009
I always get bitten by gnats. but they're very small.
5 May, 2009
Ya got to take the good with the bad....
5 May, 2009
Just squished one at school today!
5 May, 2009
I dont know the names of the mosquito lures GT....just that they work by emitting CO2. Apparently mosquitos are attracted to CO2 that we breathe out....who knew??
Our 'squiters are coming out too. Had my first bite yesterday. At least ours disappear by the end of June when the really dry weather sets in.
6 May, 2009
Ours go second week of July. They might be a real scurge this year. This is the largest and slowest, and it is a problem so far. Every spring I get out and sit and just think, I'm going to spend more time outside this year, this is wonderful, I really must. And then they come and I remember why I don't. Still fine over snakes and spiders. :-)
6 May, 2009
It would kind of put a damper on things. You'll have to get one of those whole body mosquito netting outfits and sit out in that....LOL. You wouldn't get bitten but I bet the neighbours would start rumours that you had gone off the deep end and were sitting out in your space suit. :oD
6 May, 2009
I can close up the greenhouse this year and sit inside. :-) No one questions odd long sleeves or netting hats. You go to celebrations, and everyone is laughing and slapping one another with a thank you. An outsider would think we were crazy.... until bite number 60. :-) It is said the caribou migration starts when they just can't stand the mosquitos anymore (they can lose a pint of blood a day!) and just start to run.
6 May, 2009
I can believe it GT. I wouldn't last long. Most mosquito bites swell up to the size of baseballs on me. I guess I have a bit of an allergy to them. :o(
6 May, 2009
Probably. I seem to catch them quick and just get little bumps. I don't think anything of it until I fly south. Then I feel like a lump of welts compared to those people with no bites. :-)
6 May, 2009
You're brave to have a mosquito sitting on you like that.
We have West Nile Virus here from mosquitoes...I would never do this...I hate mosquitoes!
7 May, 2009
Denim is too much for them Delonix! Even these big ones. :-) Believe me, I have sooooo much experience. The big ones are slow and an easy kill. The little ones to come, much more difficult. We haven't had any outbreaks like that (fingers crossed) and hope not to. It would spread like crazy.
7 May, 2009
Yes, the small ones are horrible...they get into the house from little open areas around the window screens and the screen doors. Like now as I'm writing this I have all the doors and windows open at 11:30 p.m. and I have to keep an eye out for the little pests.
We have horrible mosquitoes all year. West Nile Virus is generally only found in areas that have a tropical or subtropical climate.(for now that is)
The first case of West Nile Virus was discovered 6 years ago in Southern California. Each year the cases have been increasing.
7 May, 2009
We've had cases of the West Nile virus here in Canada too Delonix. Saskachewan, Manitoba and Alberta seem to get the most cases. I think the first activity was recorded here in 2001 when it was found in dead birds in Southern Ontario. The first human case was a year later.
7 May, 2009
Thanks for correcting me. I've just read on the internet that the first case in California was in 2002. However, you are so correct there were cases in Canada and Eastern United Stated before it traveled to California.
This proves wherever there's mosquitoes...the West Nile Virus can be established. I've read it's a horrible virus in humans. A neighbor 3 doors down my street was ill from this virus and was in the hospital for months. That's too close for comfort!
7 May, 2009
Sorry Delonix.....I wasn't trying to correct you....just providing an interesting snippet of info..... my apologies. :o(
It does sound like a really nasty thing to have. I haven't known anyone who has contracted it. 3 doors down is definitely too close for comfort. Keep safe and use some repellent. :o)
8 May, 2009
You don't have to apologise. What's so wonderful about this recieving first hand information from around the World. I like to be informed.
From what I've heard on the is a very nasty virus...and can kill a person if not treated.
I'll have to spray my window screens and door I keep my doors open unitl late...and my windows stay open all night...until morning when they are closed to keep my house cool.
8 May, 2009
I have just been hearing D1 & Gilli talking about this West Nile Virus. It sound horrible, much as I'd love to live in a warmer country, maybe I'm glad it's colder here in England. We do get mosi's, but I haven't heard of this virus before.
8 May, 2009
Ah! Skeeters?! Well, I'd let them all bite me if it means I can leave Reno. Luckily I'll be moving in winter so I should be fine. :-)
9 May, 2009
They are real bad Mr freeze, but just for a few months. In july it'll dry up and they will disperse.
10 May, 2009
Delonix....I never thought of spraying your screens. What a good idea!! The skeeters aren't really bad enough here to worry too much about it but I can definitely see the advantage in more humid areas.
10 May, 2009
I don't like to use pesticide and sprays...however, sometime it's a must.
We have mosquitoes all year...this late Winter and early Spring seems to worse than ever. I think it may have to do with all the abandoned/ foreclosed homes in San Diego that have swimming pools...they are becomming mosquito breeding grounds. The city is trying to take care of this problem but it's not going to happen soon enough.
10 May, 2009
Oh wow!! That would be a big problem. Why are all the homes being abandoned?
11 May, 2009
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Squish her GT....quick. Have you tried one of those CO2 mosquito lures?
5 May, 2009