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The River Arno Florence - buttercups and reflections


By Terry60

The River Arno Florence - buttercups and reflections

Comments on this photo


Well done, Terry 60 :o)

6 May, 2009


Thanks TT - it was sheer fluke as I didn't realise the reflection came out !!!

6 May, 2009


You could have confused us by posting the picture upside down... Lol.

6 May, 2009


What and have the poor buttercups standnig on their heads ?? !!

6 May, 2009


Lol. :o)

6 May, 2009


gorgeous photo

6 May, 2009


Very clever, whether you meant it or not!

6 May, 2009


LIke TT says...I'd like to see this one upside down. Great shot!

6 May, 2009


Thanks everybody - I'd really LOVE to send this upside down but I honestly wouldn't know how to !!!

7 May, 2009


Just out of curiosity (and because its chilly outside today!) I have turned this upside down and it looks just as great - the buttercups just seem to be trailing from a grassy overhang :)

7 May, 2009


Well I never Gee19 !! I shall have to try it ....

7 May, 2009

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