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Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Seeds Pods

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Seeds Pods

These are Jacaranda seed pods off my tree. The seeds are located in this round flat pod.

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Are you going to plant the seeds Andy? I have never tried - even though this is my favourite tree!

8 May, 2009


Another Jacaranda fan, D1. Bet you could grow them Bernie?

8 May, 2009


Benieh, no I have them popping up around my yard in Spring and Summer.
I know you have some large trees on your seedling ever pop up around your trees?

8 May, 2009


Yes Delonix - seedlings from some of the large trees pop up all the time but the vast percentage of my property has very poor soil - it's mostly rock! So the little ones don't survive long unfortunately - the bauhinia seedlings seem to survive the longest and a few of those have taken off.

9 May, 2009



I know what you mean when you say rocky, poor soil...that fits the description of my soil. It amazes me that anything grows in this horrible rocky soil.

The seedling that pop up here seem to grow very long as they receive water...I usually dig them up though...and have even sold some seedling.

10 May, 2009

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