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Tom's doing well.

Tom's doing well.

Also trying some Ailsea Onions in the greenhouse border this year, well on at the moment,

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their doing very well

9 May, 2009


There quite big..... i have bought a couple of tomato plants to put in today...

10 May, 2009


Much bigger than my tom plants but mine are in pots. I wonder if that makes a difference?

11 May, 2009


Once the get thier feet in some good ground they romp away, pots are bound to cause some growth prob's but perfectly good toms can be grown in large pots,as long as you remember the watering and feeding,

11 May, 2009


Thanks, FF. I haven't grown toms before but have some big pots and a bottle of feed all ready :)

12 May, 2009


Gosh sounds like your prepairing for a new addition to the family. lol

12 May, 2009


If all the plants do well I will have a tomato glut! As well as the two plants originally given to me I have now been given 9 beefsteak tomato plants! Yesterday my son in law told me he had bought a couple of plants too.

12 May, 2009


Good luck Gee, you cant beat a tom still warm from the plant, and i love the smell when taking out the side shoots,

12 May, 2009

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