The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust' - Croton 'Gold Dust'

Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust'  - Croton 'Gold Dust' (Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust')

This Croton was located in a GoY memeber neighbor's yard under mango trees. Photo taken today May 9, 2009.

Comments on this photo


You made good use of your camera on the visit :o)
Is there a pic of you visiting there ?

10 May, 2009



Yes, I took several photos. I will be posting more of the photos later today.
Yes, there's some photos of me visiting at GoY member Giovanni's house and garden.

10 May, 2009


These do look healthy, I have these as well but didn't have a clue what croton type it was called, so I better go back now and label my picture.....thanks again

17 May, 2009



I'm glad I could be of help. : > )

I purchased a 5 gallon container of this plant for only $8.00 last week. It has 10 large plants in the container almost 2 feet / 61 cm tall. What a deal!

I will plant them in semi-shady areas of my yard to see where they grow the best.

18 May, 2009


Very good deal Delonix. Goodluck in your planting, wow 10 of them, lucky you:-)

18 May, 2009



Yes, 10 -- I though it was a very good deal...couldn't pass it up.

By the way I went with a friend to help her pick out some Ixoras for a hedge today at our local nursery...she purchased several Ixora coccinea 'Maui Red' for a new hedge and gave me the plant I picked out the other day which I put back. I guess it was destined for me to have that plant. : > )

Now I have to find a spot for I need another plant like I need a hole in the head! LOL!

18 May, 2009

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