By Talljim

14 Mar, 2008
Monarch or Swallow Tail?
Comments on this photo
Swallowtail. monarchs dont have the huge antennae. perhaps they are just more mature than the one in my photo. ..I'll post a pic of a monarch for they sure are taking care of that lilac(?) terrific pic. colouration is
14 Mar, 2008
Is this the pic you meant Jim? This is definately a Monarch cat and they will only eat a milkweed species. I didn't give you these seeds.......I don't think I even had any Swamp Milkweed when I gave you seeds. I must have either sent you Butterfly Weed (which is a milkweed) or Common Milkweed. The flower in this pic looks way too pink to be Common Milkweed and Butterfly Weed is orange.
Lori, Monarch cats do have "antennae" on both ends, longer ones on the front.
14 Mar, 2008
Diane, I do know that I did get a couple of orange butterfly weed plants from your seeds, and butterflies love the orange blossoms. Yes, I had two of these plants blooming with very pink blossoms last summer.
I will have to plant lots of parsley this year for the swallow tail butterflies.
14 Mar, 2008
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great photo and colours
14 Mar, 2008