My Greenhouse
By Dawnsaunt

17 May, 2009
Tomatoes coming on :-)
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Thanks TT. It is much better since we put weed suppression sheets down and gravelled it as the weeds came under before.
17 May, 2009
This lot should make you popular in the village .. or are you one of those organised people Dawn who makes chutneys ?
17 May, 2009
Hi BB, no dont make chutney, lol. We love tomatoes and tend to eat them all, love them cut up covered in vinegar and salt and pepper, lol. This was my dad's greenhouse, must be over 50 years old. My dad had bumper crops and he would sell them - as a child, it was me who had to deliver them, on my bike, ha ha.
17 May, 2009
very tidy dawn, im like you i love tomatoes, eat them like apples, home grown always tastey to, i use to grow them at my parents,
17 May, 2009
Thanks Sandra, I'm always nipping in and eating them too. I'm hoping they will be ready to eat mid-July!
I have 3 cucumbers set at the back too along with a green grape vine to the left and a red one to the right.
17 May, 2009
its going to look fab when everything is full grown,,:o)
17 May, 2009
Yep, hopefully. The vine to the left is about 40 years old, lol. It runs along the top of the greenhouse which gives the toms some shade which is good in Summer. The red one is about 5 years old.
17 May, 2009
Crikey Dawn....what a lot you got.........Im as bad as you though...When they are on the plant, then I cant walk past them at any time of day withpout pulling one off and popping that straight in the mouth..............yumm..............
17 May, 2009
There are 24 tomatoes. I've grown some old favourites this year - Shirley, Alicante, Money Maker, St Pierre and a few Tiny Tim - wanted some Big Boy beef toms but I didnt see any seeds just when I needed them. I'm thinking of keeping a salt pot in there for when I'm scrumping, lol. We like to have things to eat dotted around, then I'm never far away from a feeding station.
17 May, 2009
LOL.....scrumping...what a delicious word ! Remember a cherry orchard behind parents house when a youngster ! Was never out of it.All built up and covered in houses now : (
17 May, 2009
I love them straight from the greenhouse as well .
OH Yes Scrumping , we still do it if we are walking through an orchard in the autumn ... :o)
17 May, 2009
Glad you got to feast while it lasted Ray. Shame isnt it how things change :(
You know what, I've never seen cherries growing - only wild ones. We scrumped apples - very handy to have a floppy jumper on to pull out and collect them in, lol
17 May, 2009
Hi Dawn..Jane here.Couldnt resist telling you a little story. When we were kids Dad had a lovely strawberry patch,and one day my younger sister decided to raid it ! Next day Dad wanted to know who had been at the strawberries but noone would own up.Unfortunately for her my sis had an allergic reaction to them and came downstair with her face covered in red pin pricks....just like an enormous strawberry ! LOL. Still she wouldnt admit it !
17 May, 2009
lol, great story BB,
17 May, 2009
Lovely story Jane - ha ha, I bet your sis didnt scrump again - but who could resist a patch full of strawberries - rumour has it Milky's place will be a good place to go for strawberries soon, lol.
17 May, 2009 out Milky ! She progressed to peas in the pods !!
17 May, 2009
Must have as she says the peas will be ready soon too - sounds like a good place to raid! Where are you Maureen?
17 May, 2009
With you on this one Dawn! Lol
17 May, 2009
Maureen's veg plot is a real inspiration - would love to do it.
17 May, 2009
Agree Dawn..when have more time would love to do this !
17 May, 2009
When Maureen talks about her veg plot it takes me right back to my childhood - I'm sure you would feel the same Jane. One day then ......
17 May, 2009
It does Dawn..Dad sending me to pick a cabbage or cauli for tea...and wingeing cos I took too long ( Too busy scrumping peas along the way ! ) Lol
17 May, 2009
ummm fresh from the pod BB, yummy :o)
17 May, 2009
I was just the same Jane, loved the peas. Was the only chore my mum gave me that I liked - collecting and podding them. Good job Dad had good crops as we ate so many. That's all we had to snack on though, to be fair. It was great though as one thing followed another .... the blackberries were scrumptous too - if you got one without a grub that is.
17 May, 2009
its when you find half a grub, yak lol
17 May, 2009
What a job ! Those stolen peas....delicious.....Sanbaz..probably ate lots of grubs...shovelled them in too fast to find out ! Lol
17 May, 2009
I've ate a few grubs in my time, lol. Sometimes its just too late .....
17 May, 2009
hahahah nope only once and i was so sick, put me off for a long time
17 May, 2009
Aww, poor you. You know you've ate one when one doesnt taste quite right. Like the peas - you open a full pod and ..... oh no, a grub has beaten you to them. :-(
17 May, 2009
Same with blackberries..shovelled them in and not thought about the grubs.But if you wash them and see them come out ! Oh harm done ! Lol
17 May, 2009
Wash them, lol, what's that all about. Joking apart, we never washed anything when scrumping. I can see those little white grubs now coming out of the blackberries.
17 May, 2009
Lol..expected to wash them at home before being made into pies Lol Remember the white grubs well ! LOL
17 May, 2009
Then we had to de-husk them, didnt we and then you ran the risk of getting those tiny little thorns in your fingers but we always ended up with purple stained fingers, those were the days, ha ha
17 May, 2009
I cannot wait to get my greenhouse up now! Waited weeks for it to be delivered, then had daughter really poorly, then went down with wretched flu and it hasn't stopped RAINING!!!! Fed up. Nice greenhouse Dawn and really lovely garden.
23 Jul, 2009
Hi Tink - Sorry to hear you've had to wait for your greenhouse - we dont like waiting do we, lol. Hope you and your daughter are OK now. This greenhouse must be 55 years old!!, it was my Dad's so very special to me :-) The grape vine at the back on the left must be 40 years old. Let's hope the rain stops soon.
23 Jul, 2009
I love this .. it,s real gardening without the frills .. LOL......
23 Jul, 2009
Hi Amy, even better now that the tomatoes are to the top of the greenhouse with toms turning red :-)))
23 Jul, 2009
puts my lot too shame this year, (see my blog )
Mind you a lot of people have said my toms are brlliant
15 Mar, 2010
Hello Hijuju, I've just seen your blog, what a shame after all your efforts. I usually get mine going on the window sill in February but this year I waited until just last week. I've got mine in a heated window sill propagator and after a few days the money maker and alicante were up, I need to prick them out. I think the heat to their feet has done the trick.
15 Mar, 2010
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Looks very organised !
17 May, 2009