By Amy

18 May, 2009
May 09 new baby ones
Comments on this photo
I don,t think they are bigger Dawn , just a closer photo , Yes I have started to take some off , very reluctantly I know it has to be done !
The peach leaf curl disease is picked up by the rain water splashing on the tree , that is why you need to have a canopy so that the rain misses it , if you see what I mean ... LOL ...
I,m still not very good at pruning the tree , in May you should cut back each shoot to 6 leaves , I must do that tomorrow .... :o)
You are good for me ..:o).. you are keeping me on the ball ... LOL ...
18 May, 2009
I think you're the one keeping me on the ball Amy - I'm going to be doing everything you've told me tomorrow - the canopy will have to be done my John, he will think of a way :) I know its early days, but when are the peaches usually ready to EAT!
Amy: Do you have a walnut tree?
18 May, 2009
About August Dawn , the children are usually here on holiday , they love to get their sticky mitts on them ..LOL ..
We had a lovely big Walnut tree when we moved here , it was loaded , I even tried to make my own pickled Walnuts .. Lol ....
It very suddenly died , we never did know why , the bark started to peel off round the bottom and there was some kind of fungi under it , I did find a young tree growing in the garden which I potted up and have now put out it in the garden but it,s only a foot high so I don,t suppose I will ever see it grow up ..
We have a Monkey Puzzle as well ... LOL....
18 May, 2009
Amy: Our gardens are like mirror images, lol. We have a monkey puzzle too and a walnut tree. You've jogged my memory, I seem to remember now you mentioned months ago somewhere that your walnut tree was ill :-( We've had our for about 8 years now and its alive but not really growing as much as I expected. Everything around it seems fine. So, we both have a fig tree, peach tree, mistletoe, solomans seal with hostas together (lol, set mine the other day) and now walnut tree. PS. Looking forward to August then :)
18 May, 2009
I think my garden is a fraction the size of yours Dawn .. LOL.. we had an acre before we moved 15yrs ago , downsized to a half acre and a bungalow 'cos I burst a disc .:o(
19 May, 2009
wow brilliant Amy
19 May, 2009
Amy, alot of my garden is trees and the pond so probably only got about as much as you as garden. Been picking the diseased leaves off the peach today. How's your back now, does the disc problem reoccur.
19 May, 2009
I,ve been pruning mine a bit today as well Dawn , taking off some of the long strands that are stopping the sun reaching the peaches . and nipping out the new growth on the ends of the branches ,
We have used an old shower door as the sloping roof Dawn it is waterproof it allows the rain to run off , and lets the sun shine through . The tree seems to like it as there is a lot more growth near the top under the glass .......
I do still have problems with my back Dawn , I have leant to be careful , very difficult in the garden .. :o)
Thanks Eileen :o)
19 May, 2009
I think we may have some of that polycarbonate sheeting somewhere - that would probably work OK too Amy. Those leaves aren't half sticky when they have the peach leaf curl, arent they. Been wet and windy today so didnt get around to thinning the peaches out, hopefully I'll get to do that tomorrow. My John has the same back problem Amy - he lives with being careful too but occasionally gets caught out - like a couple of weeks ago - he was really bad with it :-((((( Not alot can be done, can it?
19 May, 2009
Oh Dawn I,m sorry to hear John has a back problem as well , it,s such a nuisance , it stops you from doing things , it,s such a pain literally .. LOL .. My daughter and son both suffer ( guess who gets the blame for that ) there must be a family weakness .........
There dosn,t seem to be much that they can do , I,ve tried everything ...
Good luck with sorting out the peach tree :o)
20 May, 2009
Hi Amy, didnt think there was much you can do about the back problem, unfortunately, so annoying isnt it and like you say, stops you dead when it happens. Sorry to hear your children suffer too.
20 May, 2009
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Oh wow Amy - these look great - alot bigger than mine and no peach leaf curl either, lol.
So will you be thinning these out Amy?
18 May, 2009