By Amy

18 May, 2009
New baby ones 09
Comments on this photo
have you contained yours in a square 'box ' in the ground Dawn , they like to be compact ?
18 May, 2009
No Amy, didnt know about that. Its about 5 foot tall now, I wonder if it should be moved? and set in a square box then. I see yours is growing up a wall, ours is in a bit of an open space.
18 May, 2009
I imagen the roots will have spread out by now Dawn if it,s 5ft tall , how old is it ?
They need to be contained in a square , we were told to use 2ftx2ft concrete slabs , and not to overdo the fertilisers ...
We have ours agains a wall because that is where it gets the full sun in the afternoons .. we prune it so that it,s against the wall .....
Dawn i,m not an expert on these things , I only know some things through experience , I would hate to tell you anything that was wrong .. . :o)
18 May, 2009
Amy, I value your experience, don't worry. Its about 10 years old but not in very fertile soil. We could dig down and check where the roots are. Another job for John, ha ha
18 May, 2009
You could do that Dawn ... they don,t need the soil to be to fertile that would make the roots grow to much , it needs to be kept compact ......
John is going to be so busy tomorrow .... LOL ...
18 May, 2009
He certainly is Amy, haha. He's on night shift tonight 6pm to 6am in the morning, he'll be out of bed for about 1pm and then back to work again at 6pm. I'm sure I can squeeze a couple of jobs out of him. Bless!
18 May, 2009
Yours looks very healthy. I've got a few figs on mine but the poor thing had to be dug up so that drains could be installed through our garden. Now it's in a big pot and is putting a brave face on things.
18 May, 2009
Is it recovering from the move Chrispook , how big and old was it ?
18 May, 2009
I was bought a fig tree when I retired. The first year I had lots of fruit, but nothing since (just little ones that fall off). This year the leaves are just about opening but are rather sparse. It's in a large pot in a sunny spot. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
18 May, 2009
Hi Amy, my fig is about 1 metre tall and is 2-3 years old. It looks as if it is recovering. I'm wondering if severe frost will kill it now that it is in a pot! I will take a shot of it so that you can see. I think it had more leaves last year.
19 May, 2009
Sorry I don,t have any knowledge of growing figs in pots , I would have thought that they would behave the same as being in a contained area in the ground ...
They do take some time to get established , I,d had mine a long time before it gave a continuous supply of fruit ... 4/5 yrs ..
A young tree should be in a small pot , no bigger than 15" to restrict it,s growth .......well drained ... repot every 2yrs.
Prune it in the shape you want it to be in June ..
Don,t forget to take off the small undeveloped fruits in the autumn Sept. Frequent watering in dry weather twice a week ,
The young embryo fruits are susceptible to the frost and need covering to protect them ... I don,t do that now that my tree is bigger and older it would be to big a job , naughty me ,
Possibly if you have the pot on some of those wheel things then you could move it to a sheltered spot or greenhouse in the winter .......
19 May, 2009
Well done Amy it looks so healthy. I bought a young fig last autumn, kept it in my cold conservatory over winter, put it out early spring and it shot up like a rocket. I was going to bury the pot in the soil and bring in over the coming winter.
19 May, 2009
That sounds a good idea Ams , the best of both worlds ... :o)
19 May, 2009
Gee: No suggestions but if its any consolation, your's sounds like mine, lol.
19 May, 2009
I have decided to leave mine alone this year, Dawn, and see what it does. I suppose it should have started producing fruit now? No sign of any but the leaf growth seems to be improving :)
20 May, 2009
Gee, pleased the leaf growth is better. We noticed fruit on ours a couple of weeks ago - but will they stay on??
20 May, 2009
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Blimey Amy, we must have the same taste! We have a fig tree too but never had a fig yet, lol. They usually get nearly as big as yours and then drop off - any tips?
18 May, 2009