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Foxglove or Lupin?


By Evy

Foxglove or Lupin? (Digitalis purpurea (Common foxglove))

I have foxgloves and Lupins and until they flower I can never remember which is which. Both seem to flourish in the garden with little or no care. Last year I divided up clumps and to my amazement they look as if they are doing well. As for naming my plants I am going to keep a note of their names beside their photograph.

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lupin ;-))
i love the way the water sits in the bottom of the leaf
welcome to GOY

18 May, 2009


Yes this is a lupin..........

19 May, 2009


Lupin definately. Just a tip that greenfly when they get about tend to like lupins so keep your eyes peeled.

21 May, 2009


Thanks for the tip. Our garden has more of a problem with midgees in the summer and they seem to like eating me more than the flowers.

21 May, 2009


A dab of lavender water on the skin is supposed to help with that problem. WHen I went to Scotland one year for a holiday I had a lavender stick with me and dabbed it on. I also had some spray too.

21 May, 2009


Thanks - I bought a spray from Avon which is supposed to help but I'm not so sure it does. I'll try the lavender water this year.

21 May, 2009

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