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Helianthemum apenninum

Helianthemum apenninum (Helianthemum apenninum)

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I love it !

20 May, 2009


SNAP! That looks like the one I posted last night - 'Pink Angel'. Take a look.

20 May, 2009


thanks Spritz,,,,i am soooo glad you have said that... i bought a collection of them 3 years ago, from T&M and when they arrived they looked dead, so i just left them up in the greenhouse., well low and behold 4 out of the 5 came back to life, but as i thought they were lost causes i did'nt bother to lable them,, 'Pink Angel' was one of the ones i had on the list, but again lost the i had this one labled wrongely.... so yes it is indeed pink angel. :-) now i just need to figure out what the other 3 are...any input would be more than welcome...i'll get some more pic's.

21 May, 2009



21 May, 2009


OK - post away, Angie! You're on!

21 May, 2009


love this one ang..

22 May, 2009


i did a blog yesterday Spritz did you see it? it's called 'Zombie Rock Rose Dilema', Madmum has come up with some good saggestions, we still don't know about the tri-flowered one...have a look see what you think.

22 May, 2009


I'll go over and look....I'm a bit busy at the moment.... so I'm behind with blog reading!

22 May, 2009


i have'nt looked at any blogs for ages Spritz, feel quite bad really but i just about keep up with pm's and comments of photos ect, there is just too much to do in the garden at mo is'nt there, and more to talk about, and photos to load, new plants to include in lists and research,,,,,ho hum

22 May, 2009

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This photo is of "Rock Rose 'Pink Angel'" in Majeekahead's garden

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