Ixia - Corn Lily
By Majeekahead
- 20 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
Lovely...do you dig them up for the winter?
20 May, 2009
Such a pretty colour.
21 May, 2009
thanks - and no i did'nt infact they only went in last year so this is the first year they have flowered, but the were in all through the cold weather...but they are in the front garden bed in front of the window, i told you about the begonia that came back did'nt i...well these are in the same bed. i think that it must have something to do with the fact...a) it is a sun trap anytime of year...and b) on this wall inside the house is a very large radiator...so i would imagine the heat does seep through a bit. and c) it is very sheltered.
21 May, 2009
very pretty
21 May, 2009
thanks Holly,
22 May, 2009
lovely.. lovely
22 May, 2009
Great colour combination. I tried these once but they didn't survive.
22 May, 2009
Thanks San, mmmm to be honest i did'nt know they were delecate Chris, but they have done alright outside.... but as i think i said before the area where they are is like a mirco climate, i had a begonia come back of it's own accord in this bed. maybe they are borderline when it comes to hardiness?
24 May, 2009
No - they are half-hardy!
24 May, 2009
oh i think i must just have a very sheltered spot for them... you know me Spritz, once something is in, it's in, don't do digging up and storing etc, they just end up rotting in the shed anyway, i'll fleese, or move into the greenhouse, take cuttings and seeds, but i do not dig up! lol
24 May, 2009
I have got like that, too. I had Sparaxis one year and I just couldn't face digging them all up. Needless to say, they didn't reappear. :-(
24 May, 2009
thing is it is touch and go anyway my shed gets damp, and black fly in it...may sound strange but it is a home made one...not by me i might add, last person that lived here, it is triangular in shape, quite a nice size but the back of it...which i can't get too at all from the outside is completely covered in ivy, and i am constantly pulling it out from the inside of the shed, yes i did say inside...not the best of place for any sort of plant storage, i have dried out basics to sell on ebay which have been fine, and i did try to over winter some geranium and fuschia plants in there this winter, but i lost about 90 per cent of the plants, as they still got frozen...luckly i took cuttings that were in my porch - i don't have a problem with the porch, but it is not big enough to store the mother plants they have to go in the shed or greenhouse.
24 May, 2009
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This photo is of "Corn Lily" in Majeekahead's garden
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I love this Majhead......such beautiful colours together...very pretty!
20 May, 2009