No plants yet!
By Sid
- 15 Mar, 2008
Oh dear. This is this spring's project. The area in the foreground is my old veggie patch, but now that the old Lleylandii hedge is out and the new fence is up, the veggie patch is being moved to the far corner of the piccy. The bit in the foreground will be the 'prairy' type bit with grasses adn rudbeckia and echinacea. I'm thinking of a small pond in the middle of it all with some big rocks around it. There is a hugh tree stump right in the middle of where I want to put my potatoes. Ugh - I really have my work cut out this spring...
Comments on this photo
Thanks Jac - I need to get on with it coz my potatoes are chitted and ready to go in and I have lots of seeds n plants waiting to got in somewhere - ugh - pressure, pressure....!!!
20 Mar, 2008
I no how u feel Sid, i was busy this wk in between the Showers of it all :( i planted&sowed seeds that needed to go in :) & still iv things i want2do :D
20 Mar, 2008
I really need to get this sorted. And i HATE that orange fence! Unfortunately, no money left for paint at the mo, otherwise i'd have it painted a nice soft green or something. I hope it will fade down a bit with time. I've planted a climbing rose and some raspberries against it. Hope it's a fast grower!
20 Mar, 2008
Im sure that fence will weather b4 u no it Sid,Dont stress so much it looks Great Much better than a BROKEN 1 :D
20 Mar, 2008
Better than a Leylandii hedge that cuts out the light AND needs trimming! As Jac says, it will soon weather and blend in better - especially once you've got plants growing in front of it!
20 Mar, 2008
hi sid, thats just the sort of challenge i like ,i look forward to see it develop this year good luck,
23 Mar, 2008
Hi Sid our veggie plot is almost bare apart from the purple sprouting broccolli and the next thing to go in are the red onions. Different grasses for the prarie effect sound great to me. I grow quite a few different sorts and they do well with the dry or rainy weather. You can get many shades of green and red and the seedheads are delicate when they appear. Good luck with your new venture. I have two very old stumps that were dug out years ago stuck over by the old stone wall and they have been taken over by tiny little wasps and various insects. The wood is well rotted now but good for the wildlife.Lindak.
27 Mar, 2008
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This will look fab when Completted Sid :)
20 Mar, 2008