The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Balcony


This is a picture I took in 2006 of one of the two Golden conifers I bought to be a permanent fixture on the balcony.

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how's it doing now? and how did you fasten the pots to the fence? I've got a tiny garden with plastic-covered wire mesh fences on three sides, and would like to use that dimenion, too

5 Jul, 2011


If you mean the pots on the top of the railings with the Pansies in them they go in aluminium rings that are designed to fit around the metal bar at the top of the railings. I don't think they can be bought here in the UK as I bought them when we lived in Spain & used them on my balconies over there for a few years. I've probably had them for around 15 -20 years! Being aluminium they never rust so can be used for 100s (LOL!) of years!

But if you are thinking about how they are supported half way up then that's a different story. There is a horizontal iron bar that goes all the way around the railings & the pots sit on that bar. I covered the whole railings in chicken wire when we moved into this flat 10 years ago. At the time we had 4 little dogs & this was to stop them from escaping into the street as we live on the ground floor as you can see from the photo. The pots are kept in place by some wire that runs the length of the railings which in turn has wire that attaches to the chicken wire fencing so the pots can't get knocked/blown off.

I continue using that method even today!

If you want to use your wire fencing as a vertical dimension then plant some climbing plants to cover them, at least during the summer. I also grow Nasturtiums, Morning Glory or other annual climbers to climb up & use the vertical dimension of the balcony! I started doing that many, many years ago in Spain! I suspect your fencing won't be able to support the weight of pots full of plants!

10 Jul, 2011


thanks! I have several ivies, not sure which climb and hwich trail, but only one way to find out! the previous tenant left slabs of wood up to about a yard/metre high, presumably for privacy, but they block the little available light, so they'll be going; and once the ivies are high enough, I'll still have my privacy.

smiles, I wasn't too sure about the load-bearing qualities of any wire fence, I do'nt think I'd have hung planters on it, just in case - council flat, their fence, not mine.

10 Jul, 2011


Just put in some annual climbers they look lovely!

10 Jul, 2011

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This photo is of "Golden Conifer" in Balcony's garden

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