mammillaria lauii dasyacantha.
By Wagger

31 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
I've quite a few more, Jacque but don't know the names. I bought a few sets of three from Ikea several years ago with no labels.
1 Jun, 2009
Mine came in a packet of 3 without names/Labels 2 Wagger but from B&Qs :/
1 Jun, 2009
Don't make it easy for us, do they Jacque?
2 Jun, 2009
Your rite there Wagger
2 Jun, 2009
The flowers of cacti are beautiful but last such a short time. I have one in the greenhouse which is about to flower and when it does I'll post a pic.
5 Jun, 2009
Look forward to it, Toto. At least these flower every year, unlike some.
6 Jun, 2009
Mine flowers every year too but as you say, some don't flower for decades at a time. No good me having that type as I will be kicking up daisies before they flower.
6 Jun, 2009
I'm in the same club, Toto but will be put on the compost heap - don't want to be accused of cruelty to daisies.
6 Jun, 2009
Fair comment Wagger. Why don't we start a company which grinds up bodies and processes them as fertilizer.
7 Jun, 2009
I did think of a little bonfire first!
7 Jun, 2009
Whatever turns you on. I do hate to see waste. We could sell our bodies to Gordon Brown, get taxed on the capital gains and rot merrily somewhere where he can gain the full benefit of our sacrifice as we waft through one of his windows.
7 Jun, 2009
I wouldn't give him the drippings from my nose, Toto, let alone let him benefit from my personal compost. Pigs, snouths, troughs - enough already, I'll spontaniously combust if I carry on then I'll be compost earlier than planned.
7 Jun, 2009
Please don't combust yet Wagger. I'm glad that the majority of people have a higher morality than politicians. It's not the fiddling of their expenses that concerns me as the money involved is relatively small in the great scheme of things. It is the fact that such dishonest people are the ones that are supposed to be running our country, setting an example and passing judgement on us plebs (I am speaking for myself when I say plebs, no-one else). I had better shut up now before I join you on your bonfire.
7 Jun, 2009
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Featured on: cacti
This photo is of species Mammillaria lauii dasyacantha.
This photo is of "Mammillaria lauii dasyacantha" in Wagger's garden
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OOOOOOOO i like this 1 lots :) Iv just started to collect cacti myself Wagger cos i love the flowers they grow :)
1 Jun, 2009