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greenfinch for BB


By Sanbaz

greenfinch for BB

managed to get a little closer today, but a bit timid, nice she/he keeps comming back

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Awww, lovely little green finch :-)

10 Jun, 2009


just popped in the kitchen and there the little fellow was, so grabbed my camera and managed to sneak outside slowly and get a bit closer, thanx dawn

10 Jun, 2009


Nice arent they - ours like the sunflower hearts :-) You did well to get the photo San.

10 Jun, 2009


Good one :o)

10 Jun, 2009


thanx TT, ,,, normally they are so quick but think he was resting to,

10 Jun, 2009


Good one San.they are lovely little birds,we have a lot here but unfortunately my feeders are down bottom of garden and they always spot me first, lol........

10 Jun, 2009


lol lincs,, you will have to bring one closer to the house,, they are so lovely to watch

10 Jun, 2009


I dont have much luck either, as soon as I pick up the camera they have gone. Thats great shot Sandra I think he was waiting for you!

10 Jun, 2009


I really appreciate how difficult it is to get photos of the birds too PansyP. Mine are quite shy, expect for my little robin :-)

10 Jun, 2009


Aw well done Sandra thats a nice pic of Mr Greenfinch - the females paler more grey / green.Send him to Yorkshire we ll keep an eye on him while you sun yourself looking forward to some great pics on your return.

10 Jun, 2009


The more the merrier hey BB! One more wont make any difference. Are all the fledglings OK today - none trying to get in the pond I hope.

10 Jun, 2009


Hundreds of them Dawn little fella just getting his tail feathers so out of the borders now ..lost count of blackbird fledglings most seem determined to have more than one brood .Have had to put a brick by back door as blackbirds can squeeze under and get in but cant get out again !

10 Jun, 2009


thanx PP, luckerly i didnt have to wait he just appeared,,
glad you like it BB, havent seen a female yet , mabe one day :o)

10 Jun, 2009


you feed them to well BB can just see them getting together to push that brick away soon lol

10 Jun, 2009


Its bonkers at your house Bonkers, lol. Must be an amazing sight, seeing all those baby birds. So funny how they know where you are ... in the house, little monkey's. Do you think this year has been an exceptional one for second broods?

10 Jun, 2009


Think nature is making up for those poor summers more birds more butterflies .. painted ladies everywhere and so common as a child not seen one for years.

Swallows and house martins everywhere I m like a pig in muck !

10 Jun, 2009


Great isnt it. I hadnt realised what a detrimental effect the weather could have on the wildlife. After that harsh winter, the plants in my garden have never been so good - not late frosts, brilliant for a change.

10 Jun, 2009


Lovely if this is global warming bring it on .. to hell with saving the environment for the kids they too busy being plugged in to notice !

10 Jun, 2009


hear hear BB , im for lovely warm weather, other countries have managed for years and now its our turn the goverment are complaining about global warming

10 Jun, 2009


Very true BB, let's hope the sun shines again soon, been raining all afternoon here.

10 Jun, 2009


here to dawn,, :o(

10 Jun, 2009


Well up to a point Sandra - if we really ditched our cars then the revenue they would lose would be astronomical.

hydrogen cars already exist and their only output is water vapour .Much more in line with performance of petrol / diesel cars than silly electric ones so technology here now to stop oil production for fuel.

If really serious about environment scrapage allowance would be directed at these cars .

10 Jun, 2009


thats true BB, also we are using all natural resoures, ie, coal, oil, peat, even fish in the ocean and coral and plenty more i guess, so not just global warming also killing the planet, but as always its all about people making money greed, no-one wants the simple life unfortunatly, most people think of today and not the future,, i guess we are all guilty to some extent, sorry im going on,, i do that on certain issues lol

10 Jun, 2009


Dont apologise Sandra - its catch22 Government only paying lip service to these issues .. they dont really want smokers to quit either make millions from them and die earlier so everyone quits we all live longer they lose revenue and cost more as we live longer .. yeah right .

10 Jun, 2009


that is very true, hypocrytes, thats all they are,,"im alright jack" thats all MP`s and goverment people

10 Jun, 2009


Oh dear .. sounds like we both need a holiday lol

10 Jun, 2009


lol,, i can sneak you in my case if you like BB,, anyway im off now,, early to work in morning, thanx for the chat, nite nite BB,

10 Jun, 2009


Night Sandra cant take a holiday myself so you and Baz have a great time for me and bring some pics back please .. take care x

10 Jun, 2009


will do BB , chat soon x

10 Jun, 2009

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