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Weigela (Weigela florida 'Aurovariegata')

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How strange, I planted exactly the same variety (last year) in the same customer's garden as te Spirea.I must have the same taste as you and my customer because she likes them both!

15 Jun, 2009


Thanks Paul,
I'm not a great believer in coincidence, so we'll put it down to sheer good taste. Yeah?

15 Jun, 2009


That's what it'll be BBB!!!

16 Jun, 2009


I have a variegated Weigela but with reddish flowers. The only cultivar I can find on google images is 'Brigela' which is fairly new, so I don't think that's it. Any ideas?

20 Jun, 2009

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Pictures by bigbumblebee
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This photo is of "Weigela" in Bigbumblebee's garden

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