The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lily Beetle


By Lori

Lily Beetle

If you have Asiatics or Stargazers or Madonna or Easter on the look out for this beetle... In my case what the rabbits didn't take these guys are trying to lilies won't be anything to look at this season!!

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ah sorry to hear that Lori, Janette sent me over some lily buls, they are growing well but ill keep an eye out for these guys

17 Jun, 2009


Interesting, I have one, my daughter got for my birthday, will be on the lookout for these guys!

17 Jun, 2009


that's too bad Lori..I can never recall seeing any of these here, but I haven' been looking and have never had as many lilies as I have this year.

17 Jun, 2009


So kind of you to give it swimming lessons Lori.

17 Jun, 2009


Make sure the little devil drowns Lori...........

17 Jun, 2009


I've warned you about that vicious streak before Milky. Any more and I'll tell your probation officer.

17 Jun, 2009


Ah.... the producer wants you to know that no insects were tortured in the process of this I pinched him good, before putting him in the water (for photographic purposes)

17 Jun, 2009


Whoa...Milky! You never know who's reading your posts, aye?

17 Jun, 2009


The dreaded lily beetle, huh? Looks like he's done for.

18 Jun, 2009


I HATE these guys. I start watching for them as soon as the lilies come up.

19 Jun, 2009


Good for you Lori......such a blooming (Lol) pest! Lets hope we don't all come back next time rounds as Lilybeetles....Ugh!

19 Jun, 2009


ahahaha...Gardener's Karma? I'm with you, Janey!

23 Jun, 2009

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