Norfolk Poppy Land 3
By Amy

17 Jun, 2009
Comments on this photo
17 Jun, 2009
20 acres Eileen .... and there were other fields near it as well !
17 Jun, 2009
What a fantastic sight.
17 Jun, 2009
20 acres, wow.
17 Jun, 2009
A Stunning Veiw & Photo Amy :)
17 Jun, 2009
~what a wonderful sight!
17 Jun, 2009
~does this happen every year?
17 Jun, 2009
Thanks everyone .......... yes Arlene .. in Norfolk it does ... it,s called ' Poppy land ' There,s a railway line called the Poppy line ...
17 Jun, 2009
~I'm amazed they don't spray something on to discourage them because there must be as many poppy seeds as rape seeds~do they sell them as a crop commercially?
17 Jun, 2009
~just read up about it online~ apparently last year the BBC said there were no fields of poppies in the area called Poppyland because of farmers cultivating the land for cereals instead of leaving it as' set aside' for which they used to get paid but don't anymore.
Are they making a comeback this year?
I sometimes think we should get out of the EU as the things they do are nothing but trouble!Thy are only there for the perks!
17 Jun, 2009
Yes it is sold commercially Arlene for the oil ..... . the poppy seeds are so much smaller than the rape seed that it can be separated ..
In actuall fact we are not in Poppy land here , in reality it is a little nearer the coast than we are .... I took a photo last year which is on here that was taken near the coast ..... I,m not too sure about this , it,s something that I will need to ask about ...
We have plenty of them here .. .. I like to see them ....
You are right about the EU Arlene .........
17 Jun, 2009
~brilliant Amy ~one of natures miracles!
17 Jun, 2009
did you have a Cadbury Flake while you were there Amy lol,
this photo reminds me of the Cadbury advert from a few yrs back
17 Jun, 2009
~the small area in Norfolk which could be given over to cereal production is a drop in the ocean compared to the land switched over from cereal production to biofuels~we can all starve but we will be able to do it whilst driving!
17 Jun, 2009
The problem is the farmers are not getting paid enough for the crops that they are producing Arlene , it,s coming in from abroad cheaper than they can grow it , they then have to look at alternative crops which they can make some money from .
The price of wheat 10 yrs ago was £ 150.00 if it had kept pace with inflation it would now be £ 365.00 ... it isn,t it,s only £ 110 .00 the farmers are finding it hard to survive ... they have had good times but not any more ..... ..
They are even making Biofuels from Sugar beet now ......
Oh gosh , this all started with Poppies ... LOL....
Maybe they use the poppy seeds on bread ..... LOL...
17 Jun, 2009
Eileen that would have been nice ... it,s years since I had a Cadburys flake ... I could have put my frock and straw hat on ......LOL .......
17 Jun, 2009
~I was thinking of abroad not in the UK Amy~we are small fry compared to the US ~the biofuel industry over there is taking crops from countries where there is not enough food being grown anyway .
17 Jun, 2009
Yes I understand you Arlene , ... it,s money before people today ... it,s a funny old world !
17 Jun, 2009
Oh Amy....what a wonderful sight.......I envy you.................
17 Jun, 2009
Thanks Milky :o)
17 Jun, 2009
Wow, we're not in Kansas anymore Toto!
18 Jun, 2009
WOW ! this is wonderful.
19 Jun, 2009
Oh Amy.........this is amazing!! Really wonderful....gone on my faves!!
19 Jun, 2009
Thanks Janey and Mike .... :o)
19 Jun, 2009
What a fantastic sight Amy, thanks
20 Jun, 2009
A truly wonderful sight Amy !
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Dawn and BB :o)
21 Jun, 2009
Wow! What more can I say
21 Jun, 2009
How about double WOW!
24 Jun, 2009
This is beyond beautiful!
21 Jan, 2014
Thanks all , these are my very favorite fields when in they are in bloom :o))
22 Jan, 2014
these blooms are heavenly. any idea if the poppy fields are still blooming there or are there any other sites i can visit. thanks
16 Jul, 2015
there are other fields Cestrum but I'm afraid I haven't been out & about looking as I've been away on holiday myself and have only just come back , it all depends on the cultivation of the fields ,the seed drops from the Poppies and then lies dormant until the field is ploughed again in which case you will have another field of poppies it also depends on whether the field has been left as set-aside , the farmers aren't to keen as it spoils their crops ! I love to see them ....
22 Jul, 2015
Lovely to see this again Amy, I hope you enjoyed your holiday and all is well with you both. X
23 Jul, 2015
Hi Janey ,its good to see you I'm going to email you ASAP x
24 Jul, 2015
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how big was this field Amy
17 Jun, 2009