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Euphorbia Pulcherrima - Poinsettia

Euphorbia Pulcherrima - Poinsettia (Euphorbia Pulcherrima - Poinsettia)

A close up of the Poinsettia bracts. It may think it's still Christmas because the flowering Jacaranda has Christmas lights in the tree. LOL! Photo taken June 17, 2009 in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA.

Comments on this photo


What so strange about this, is this wasn't the only flowering Poinsettia in this area. I saw 3 Jacaranda trees with flowering Christmas plants growing under them... and they are growing in the ground. Poinsettia does not typically bloom this time of year.

18 Jun, 2009


Merry Christmas to you, Delonix1 :o)

18 Jun, 2009


Seems a little odd! What are they thinking?

18 Jun, 2009


Your lucky to have them Andy.....we only get them Christmas time.......

18 Jun, 2009


Terratoonie, Merry Christmas to you too. LOL!

Bernieh, it's quite odd! I've seen some around with a few old bracts...however, the majority have put on new growth, after their breif decidous period.

Milky, I guess we're lucky to have many of these shrubs around the city...I really like when they grow very tall and large...because they have the most bracts and flowers.

The reason why it's so strange for these plant to be blooming now is: they are a short day blooming plant...and in 2 days it's the first day of Summer. Go figure! : > )

18 Jun, 2009


My daughter sent me a photo of this from Sydney a few weeks ago and it is heading well into their winter. !!

20 Jun, 2009



Maybe the plants growing in this area think they are in the Southern Hemisphere. LOL!

20 Jun, 2009


You need to give them a good talking to, Delonix, Tell them the correct time for them to flower is 1, At Christmas, 2. In a pot. 3. It should die after a maximum of 3 weeks. lol

24 Jun, 2009



I think I need to have good talking to them.

Well, 1 is good!

They are widely grown as a large tree-like shrub
in the ground here... easily growing up to more than
20 feet/ 6 meters no. 2 won't work. LOL!

And I've never seen one die after 3 weeks...that one
won't worke either. LOL!

I've actually have seen several others around the city
with bracts and flowers...I still can't explain it...I've never
seen this before.

25 Jun, 2009


Thats lovely Andy

3 Feb, 2011



Thanks! :>)

4 Feb, 2011



4 Feb, 2011

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