By Lilymac

19 Jun, 2009
This is Foxy, showing just how much she trusts us! Think she maybe has babies right now as she is extremely hungry!
Comments on this photo
Thanks Irish, I was well chuffed with this! :-)
19 Jun, 2009
Wonderful :o)
19 Jun, 2009
OOOOOooooo this is Fantastic Lily 2 see u being great friends :)
19 Jun, 2009
Thanks. Foxy really is a special wee fox!
19 Jun, 2009
Oh you lucky thing Lilymac......What a privilege to be able to get that close.....
19 Jun, 2009
19 Jun, 2009
Thanks Milky and Arlene. I do feel really privileged that Foxy lets me get this close. Tonight for the first time she took a biscuit from my hand :-)
19 Jun, 2009
almost unbelievable Lily...amazing..fantastic
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Deida. I know, it's unbelievable just how close Foxy comes to us. I think she is very used to people and I'm sure she has a variety of houses in the area where she knows she'll get dinner! She probably has various different courses each night! But her favourite is digestive biscuits. I think if I offered her a cup of tea with them she'd take it, she's such a wee character!
20 Jun, 2009
Goodnees Lily she is better fed than me (lol)
20 Jun, 2009
Wow, what a treat!
10 Jul, 2009
Thanks Tastey! It was a real treat and an honour to get this close.
10 Jul, 2009
how lucky you are, :o)
23 Jul, 2009
Amazing Lilymac. To get this close and to have her trust you so much ..... I'm turning green with envy !! lol Have looked at your other pictures and you have a wonderful array of garden visitors. How lucky you are :-)))
6 Oct, 2009
thanks Sanbaz! thanks Sue! But it's a shame we have not seen Foxy for a couple of months now - am a bit worried that something bad has happened to her. We now get one of her older cubs visiting every night but he's not as brave as his mum yet!
9 Oct, 2009
Give him time Lilymac :-))
9 Oct, 2009
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19 Jun, 2009