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Cows on the beach!


By Arlene

Cows on the beach!

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Cows on vacation :o)
They don't seem to have enough deck chairs. Lol.
Good pic, Arlene....

30 Jun, 2009


I think I see one carrying a beach towel there. :o)

30 Jun, 2009


Fancy meeting 'beach bums' like those :)

30 Jun, 2009


~ the valley is just off to the right so I can't believe they prefer to be on sand~maybe they like the local seaweed believed to be a delicacy!

30 Jun, 2009


May-be the sea breeze cools them.....or may-be they're trying for a tan....tanned hide....:-))

30 Jun, 2009


How lovely, i like seeing them there.

30 Jun, 2009


something we don't see every day - lovin' this Arlene Thanx

30 Jun, 2009


Having a herd of a holiday..................

30 Jun, 2009


Thought I had one drink too many for a moment ! Lol

30 Jun, 2009


~you should see them cliff walking~you need a stiff drink!

30 Jun, 2009


Lol..definitely.They do seem to be adaptable..if that is the word !

30 Jun, 2009


~we were walking away when a group of young surfers turned up~you should have seen the look on their faces!

30 Jun, 2009


Can just imagine ! Lol

30 Jun, 2009


~Maybe they thought it was Cowes!

30 Jun, 2009


Groan Groan !

30 Jun, 2009


Leave any fresh pies for you? he-he-he-...looks like they are liking the salty water..natural salt lick you know..the deer come to the beach here for it. I am surprised tho that they are not carrying a cooler filled with beer..only thing that nobody has seen them with so

4 Jul, 2009


They have good taste and seaweed is very good for the tyroid gland.

8 Oct, 2009

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