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Rocks down garage steps

Rocks down garage steps

We had a load of these rocks delivered so that we could build a mound at the start of a 48 foot stream. Unfortunately, the only access to our garden is down several steps. Our son came to help us a bit but really Tony and I moved most of the rocks. We find that we can move quite heavy items - it's all in the technique!

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What aFab colour those rocks are FSG:)

27 Mar, 2008


MY GOODNESS!! This is rockery gardening on an industrial scale!

27 Mar, 2008


Were they costly???

26 Apr, 2008


They weren't too costly - the main difficulty was finding a supplier - we searched far and wide. In the end, it was a landscape garden supplier just 3 miles away that had them! They get these large rocks and also crazy paving from somewhere in Yorkshire. Some of the individual rocks weighed two and a half hundredweight each. If you want to follow it up the local supplier was Building and Garden Supplies 01922 457229 - they may be able to give you details of their supplier in the north for you to make contact.

27 Apr, 2008

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