Cassia tomentosa synonym of Senna hirsuta var. hirsuta - Wolly Senna
By Delonix1

2 Jul, 2009
A close up of the yellow flowers. This tree can grow 24 feet tall and almost as wide. Photo taken in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA on July 1, 2009.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! It is prettier when it's in full bloom.
I had a huge tree when I lived in the San Francisco
Bay Area. It bloomed almost all year and I had many
seedlings popping up everywhere.
2 Jul, 2009
Had it. Did great. Then some lunkheads hired to clean up..chopped it down. Never asked.
And it did not come back strong... one weak shoot...that the cats knocked off. Then it died.
Hard luck plant.
11 Oct, 2014
It's very easy to grow from seed. There's many in the Bay Area. I had one in Hayward which was almost 20' tall and had a spread of more than 25'. It loves its location. My tree was the largest one I had ever seen. I haven't seen on that big even here in San Diego.
The only big problem with this tree is the thousands of seed pods and seedlings popping up everywhere.
12 Oct, 2014
Thats pretty.....
2 Jul, 2009