By Louis
- 3 Jul, 2009
Comments on this photo
I love all the colours, and the pottery, and the plates and the white wall, and the whole "feel" of it, if you know what I mean? It's just so evocative of Mediterranean gardens :)
3 Jul, 2009
Thank you Slverbelle and Di........
Silverbelle :-The orange geraniums is one, I kept going from last year, and it's one of my favourites, as is the purple pelagonium above it.
Di :- My garden is diveded in different sections, mostly, it is set as a Mediterranean garden, so you were right in thinking so. When I open my garden to the public, I always get loads of comments on the Mediterranean section. This year, I will open my garden on 22nd and 23rd August, and the money goes to our local Hospice
Thank you again ladies :-)
3 Jul, 2009
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I especially like the orange geranium on the right, and the small purple one above it.
3 Jul, 2009