The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Back To Work


By Diohio

Back To Work

Time for the mantis to get back to work !

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Aren't these just the coolest looking insect ! That's the quickest way I know to get my husband out in the yard, to tell him I've just spotted a praying mantis, he loves them also. Bonus is, the praying mantis just love my aphids.!

28 Mar, 2008


My son would love this Di when he was younger he kept Stick insects :)

28 Mar, 2008


I'll have to post one for your son Jacque, we have lots of them here.

28 Mar, 2008


He is FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 Mar, 2008


Their eggsacks are very pretty looking. When younger, my sister brought one into the house... My mom, not knowing what it was, put it on display. When it hatched, there were millions of baby matis' allllllll over the house. My mom now has a phobia of them..

30 Mar, 2008


Well Di...when can we expect to see an eggsack? I'd love to see I can go looking in my garden.

3 Apr, 2008


Very funny Lainedru.......I've heard that happen to a lot of people !

Lori, I've only ever found 1 egg case here and that was years ago. BUT I was at my friend's house Tuesday and she always finds bunches of them in her yard. She showed me one bush that had 4 on it ! So she gave me one. I placed it outside on a bush. I'll go out right now and take a pic of it and post it for you. I'm hoping that I get to see the little babies hatch out this spring.

3 Apr, 2008


Bless You! I will watch with great interest!!

3 Apr, 2008

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