The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Obelisk and 'friend'


By Pamazon

Obelisk and 'friend'

I bought myself an Obelisk yesterday to use with the Dipladenia plant I bought earlier in this week. I left one length of tube out when I built it as 6' was a bit too high for me and the plant is only about 10" so far, it looks lost LOL. I have had the little parrot in my garden for about 6 years now, his wings have dropped off with age and so I decided to glue him on top, a reward for all his years of flapping his once wings in the wind........humour me please :o)

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ah Pam thats lovely

9 Jul, 2009


When I started reading this "I bought myself an obelisk yesterday"....
I thought, "What a coincidence that Pam went looking for obelisks and found one with a parrot on top...."
Good one, Pam :o)

9 Jul, 2009


ROFL. That would have made my day wouldn't it Terra. Some of them have very posh finials on top, this was a cheapie one, but I prefer my little Amazon Parrot sitting up there.............:o) He's cute isn't he Eileen, sitting there in the sunshine!!

9 Jul, 2009


Very cute Pam and like you say he deserves a higher position all the years of service he has put in.

12 Jul, 2009


Thank you, he certainly does. As you might guess, I am a complete Parrot nut, having so many of my own. Anything parrot-like seems to find its way into my garden somehow :o)

12 Jul, 2009


Anything with budgie, Sheltie, Fox Terrier themes find their way into my house and garden. Lol. :o) I would like your front door ~ or obelisk ~ with budgies or dogs design. Lol...

12 Jul, 2009


I'll see what I can do Terra LOL. I lost little PJ by the way, so now I am down to one GP and one Rabbit.

13 Jul, 2009

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