The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean

Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean (Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean)

This huge Ice Cream Bean tree is in full bloom now. The pod's
center is so delicious tasting like sweet ice cream. Photo at
Quail Botanical Gardens. July 7, 2009.

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If the bean's edible, how would you use/cook it ?

9 Jul, 2009


Louise - this is grown as an 'exotic tropical fruit' up at Cape Tribulation and the fruit is eaten raw. When its ripe the bean pod should split easily if ready to eat. You reach in and take out the seeds. Around each seed is white 'cottonwool'. Peel the white wool away from the seeds and eat it. It should taste juicy and sweet.

9 Jul, 2009


Amazing !
Thanks Bernie, it sounds nice :)

9 Jul, 2009



Thanks for explaining how to eat the fruit. Do you
have any Ice Cream trees on you property?

Yes, they are very sweet and good. I've had a tree
in a large pot for 12 years. It sometimes bears the
pods. Luckily, there's many trees around town. The problem with this tree is that it grows so large, too quickly.

I thought about planting mine in the ground...until I saw several 5 foot / 1.5 meter trees planted at the San Diego Zoo almost 3 years they are almost 30 feet /10 meters tall.

9 Jul, 2009


No Delonix - I don't have this one but I've seen them in pots at the nursery and I've seen the fruit at a local exotic fruit farm. We had a school excursion a few years ago now and the farm owner showed the kids lots of unusual fruit - great fun.

9 Jul, 2009



It sounds like a very fun excursion for school kids. Hopefully the kids can taste the fruit also!

If you grew an Ice Cream tree where you live...I'm sure it would be as large as this tree in about 3 years or so. This tree is about 50 feet / 16 meters tall.

9 Jul, 2009


Oh yeah! The kids got to eat lots and lots of fruit - so many had been complaining beforehand about going to see fruit! of all things. But in the end the poor farmer underestimated the tummy capacity of small children - there wasn't anything left!!

9 Jul, 2009



It sounds like a trip I'd love to go on...all those beautiful, delicious tropical fruits. You're making me hungry! LOL! : > )

9 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of species Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean.

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