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Agapanthus africanus - White/ Blue Agapanthus

Agapanthus africanus - White/ Blue Agapanthus (Agapanthus africanus - White/ Blue Agapanthus)

The very common white and blue Agapanthus. These were
growing at Quail Botanical Gardens on July 7, 2009.

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i so like the two colours together..

9 Jul, 2009


Looking lovely, even though common in your region...

9 Jul, 2009


They Look Fab all bunched together like that :)

9 Jul, 2009


one day mine will look like that lol

9 Jul, 2009


Sandra, they are so commonly planted in medians, in front of businesses and in dry areas everwhere. There's a reddish/purple flowering colored plant which is not as commonly planted.

I'm sure your plants will look like these some day...they can be a little invasive spreading easily.

Terratoonie, thank you!

Jacque, thanks! The purple and white flowered plants are commonly planted together.

9 Jul, 2009

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