from Janette
By Irish

9 Jul, 2009
lol havent seen a stick of rock in a few yrs
Comments on this photo
i was going to say carol, see loads of it here, lol, watch your teeth eileen
9 Jul, 2009
Were you a rock & roller as well as a rock roller, Clarice? I can remember seeing it done when we went on holiday as children.
9 Jul, 2009
i remember watching a prog about Blackpool rock yrs ago, could have been Blue Peter i seen it on.
9 Jul, 2009
showing your age eileen lol
9 Jul, 2009
lol Sandra .
9 Jul, 2009
How nice of Janette!
So then Clarice/San: How do they get the writing going through the rock, lol.
9 Jul, 2009
Gee have to admit i did like to jive, still do, just hard work keeping up with it now. About how they get letters in the rock, when i was a rock roller & wrapper it was the fellows that did that part & they had to do quite a lot of training to be able to do it, infact its a skill of its own.Like Sandra said watch those teeth.Looking at that stick of rock, on the label its got post code starting with fy4 i think and my post code starts with fy4 look well if it was my daughter-in-law that rolled, cut & wrapped it for you Eileen
9 Jul, 2009
I used to like that pineapple flavoured rock - I don't know if you can still get it?? Really bad for the teeth, though! :-(
9 Jul, 2009
anaseed rok my favourite :o)
9 Jul, 2009
Ugh - I don't like aniseed! Sorry, Sandra!
9 Jul, 2009
Sandra anaseed rock,is remade from all the bits of the other rock, they just melt it down, and mix it all up, saves waste you know its quite dangerous rock making the big giant pots its all made in are boiling hot when you walk past them the heat is terrible, & the floor gets so sticky with all the sugar, but at same time i had some brill times there, oh to be young again.
9 Jul, 2009
put me off now carol lol
9 Jul, 2009
Must admit i use to like it, till i seen what they did, then i did'nt eat it any more, oh Barbara you can still get pineapple,and strawberry. them are usually little stubby bars of rock.
9 Jul, 2009
do they still sell the jars of different flavoured rock Clarice. , you could get all the different ones in it . where more like wee sweets
10 Jul, 2009
Yes you can Eileen, do you fancy one i could send you one if you like.Its a small world is'nt it Eileen, that little stick of rock as come form 1 end of the UK to the other and then back to the west to you.
10 Jul, 2009
I like this conversation as much as the photo! What memories it brings back, mine was Newquay Rock.
10 Jul, 2009
aw thanks Clarice, but i was really just wondering if you could still buy the jars. it just shows you how much that wee stick of rock has traveled
10 Jul, 2009
it seems to be bringing back loads of memories to us all Elke
10 Jul, 2009
Elke it would be Newquay rock, but made in Blackpool.It does Eileen if i'd known i could have just thrown it across the irish sea for you.Acsually the jars of rock make good storage jars to put seeds etc into for the shed.
10 Jul, 2009
I must be the only one who does nt like rock but I have seen it being made down a little street where there was a market and stalls. I would imagine it would be dangerous in the factory, just the other day a bloke fell into a vat of chocolate which melted the chocolate the paddle hit him over the head and it killed him.
11 Jul, 2009
It is vry dangerous in the factory's, but since i worked in them its alot more health & safety rules now.
11 Jul, 2009
I love the soft rock. My former Partner occasionally takes me on a trip down to Weston-Super-Mare and I always come home laden with soft rock, hard rock, fudge and my very favourite, coconut ice. It makes every tooth ache it is so sweet, but oh so yummy ..............LOL I'm glad I didn't have to work in that heat Clarice.
13 Jul, 2009
Not to bad for the girls, but it was hot for the lads in the boiler room. Usually when the rock is going soft, its been made for a long time.
13 Jul, 2009
is that why its soft rock, must admit i love it too
13 Jul, 2009
My Favourite rock is Edinburgh rock but that is so different from the sort Blackpool turns out, I used to love going up to the window of the rock factory when I was a kid, I have taken my kids and my grandkids to see it, and even now it is fascinating watching them, Hey Clarice maybe I watched you working at some point?
13 Jul, 2009
Yes Eileen when rock goes soft its old.You never know Bob mind you it was a long time ago.
14 Jul, 2009
it still tastes lovely lol
14 Jul, 2009
Eileen this one stick of rock as kept everyone talking.
14 Jul, 2009
lol true Clarice
14 Jul, 2009
Have you eaten it yet?or did JJ?
22 Jul, 2009
im saving it Janette lol ,
might have it tonight seen as i have peace and quiet here
22 Jul, 2009
It will be going soft Eileen.
22 Jul, 2009
mmm its lovely and sticky lol
22 Jul, 2009
You enjoy it.
22 Jul, 2009
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Could have sent you a factory full if i'd known 1 of my daughter-in-laws works in one here,she as been there over 25yrs now, i was a rock roller in my younger days, Blackpool makes most of the rock for the UK, and they do alot for abroad, when any of my family come over they always get my daughter-in-law to get them some, she usually gets them broken rock as she can bring home as much as she wonts of the broken rock, and 9 times out of 10 non of it as Blackpool through it.
9 Jul, 2009