By Catfinch

11 Jul, 2009
not many currents yet..but sure love their color
Comments on this photo
there great.. i havent tasted red currants
11 Jul, 2009
Red currents have a lovely flavour but the seeds are a bit on the large side and get in your teeth.
11 Jul, 2009
If I had lots of them ..I would make some clear current jam or "jelly" we call it for is one of my favorites..
12 Jul, 2009
The jam is lovely but like I say the pips need straining out.
12 Jul, 2009
That's right would be current jelly...when we strain any berry or apple etc. fruit until it is basically a clear juice, and then we add sugar etc. and cook it to thicken it, we call it jelly..jams are from pulp or crushed fruit and sugar and pectin...then of course there are the butters which are like a thick sauce. I love apple butter , but pear butter is my favorite..then there are the preserves which are thick chunks of fruit..and I used to like to do these and loved to do a freezer strawberry jam...I have not made any in a very long time now but used to love summers for the bounty of the fruit spreads..yum.
When I told GF and his girls that I liked to put jelly on toast..they thought I was quite strange until we sorted this idea call what you know as jelly, jello-gelatin I would not put it on my toast....that would be strange over here too... lol :) ~cat
12 Jul, 2009
how do u make apple butter?
have u got any recipies for tomatoes Cat...
12 Jul, 2009
Apple butter is a bit like apple sauce but with more sugar and spices ...I bet there is a recipe for it on the is a link I found
I had a great green tomatoe was a sweet relish sort of thing...if I can remember what it was called I will let you know..I made it for a 98 year old friend in her last year..she was craving it..she was so happy that I made it for her..after I surprised her with it, she said she had eaten it on everything but
12 Jul, 2009
thanks Cat i'll check it out.
12 Jul, 2009
Here is a tomatoe recipe page too..some of these sound really good..yum...
12 Jul, 2009
i like the sound of the spicey tomatoe jam
12 Jul, 2009
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11 Jul, 2009