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Ligularia stenocephalia

Ligularia stenocephalia (Ligularia stenocephala)

My Lig is showing the characteristic black buds soon to be bright with yellow bloom. A strong show after wintering through -50F last winter.

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I have one in flower now for the first time. I planted it last year and just got lots of growth, this year though four large flower spikes.
There are a few pics on my page.

12 Jul, 2009


I'll go have a look. I just love them. Nice interesting foliage and the dark stems really show off the flowers. I don't think I could ever go without them again. :-)

13 Jul, 2009


-50F!!!!!!!!!!! good lord and i thought we had a hard winter!! surprised it survived that GT!

17 Jul, 2009


SK, I lost some but had this, my ferns and the azaleas (though they died to the ground) come through. Most surprizing, one of the bedding dainthus from a sixpack last year came through fine, just started blooming again. I have a blog from december called cold snap if you'd like to cool off one day. :-)

18 Jul, 2009


oh thanks GT will have a look, isn't nature amazing? Having had a hot spell we are today and yesterday back to high winds and torrential rain! its knocked over my tomato plants and battered some plants to the ground am not happy! :o(

18 Jul, 2009


I hear that. My delphinium is just starting up and liatris to follow, both suseptable to the winds and rain of a storm.

I hope they recover well for you.

19 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of "Ligularia Stenocephala 'Little Rocket'" in Greenthumb's garden

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