another welsh poppyDSCF0012.jpg
By Bornagain

15 Jul, 2009
I think this photo shows the delicate beauty of the welsh poppy and tey they are so hardy and flower for ever. As President and founder (sole) member of the Welsh Poppy Appreciation Society I will not rest 'til each garden in the land has a thriving colony of Meconopsis Cambrica. ;<))
Comments on this photo
Yipee a convert! :-)))
16 Jul, 2009
Well, shake my tambourine!
16 Jul, 2009
Well BA you will be pleased to know that I am also an admirer of the Welsh Poppy my garden is full of it all self seeded mostly yellow ones but also a few orange ones creeping in! I have also been sending out seed to other members of Goy, Love it and it seems to love my garden as it is still flowering from as early as April!
16 Jul, 2009
Perhaps it's time to form a committee? ;-) Glad to hear of your love of the WP, PP. I personally am not too keen on the orange ones 'cos I find some of my gorgeous yellow ones have little orange bits on them..... a bit like the ruddy duck problem :-)))
17 Jul, 2009
Dont mind them together remind of Oranges and Lemons!
17 Jul, 2009
Isn't that pretty? We used to make little flower dolls out of poppies - you pick a long stemmed poppy, break off half the stem and put it next to the other half; then fold the petals down over the stems and then tie them around the 'waist' (halfway down) with a blade of grass. They look like little ballerinas. But only of you have fields of them - it would be a shame to do this if you only have a few to enjoy. As you can tell, when I was a child (I can hear Toto groaning already :) LOL - yes, it WAS years ago...) there were no plastic toys, Gameboys or the like. We made our own fun. But I showed my daughter how to do it, and no doubt she will show her own child.
4 Aug, 2009
Good for you Elke! close your ears Toto for next bit, I also have lots of lovely childhood memories, I used to make Acorn men and Ladies had a whole family of them, Them Were The Days!
5 Aug, 2009
Lovely, Pansypotter. When our children were small we had a fairy hole in the rockery, and they used to leave the acorn cups just outside for the fairies to use on their dining tables as dishes.
'Twould seem we're ganging up on Toto here - I'm sure he has lots of memories too. Perhaps he'll share them.
5 Aug, 2009
I've never heard of these flower dolls Elke, what a lovely idea, nor acorn men and ladies Pp probalbly because I grew up in a city with no garden. A blade of grass between the flag stones was cause for celebration! ;-)
6 Aug, 2009
I'll have to put these on the wish-list!
I used to have a fairy ring at the top of the hill behind my old home & I used to go up there as often as I could! It had a lovely "feel" about it!
7 Aug, 2009
My seed should be arriving any day now, Bornagain.
7 Aug, 2009
7 Aug, 2009
Oh! love this, great colour.
25 Aug, 2009
Watch it! Indeed it IS a lovely, cheery, long-lasting flower, but it will seed itself everywhere and then you have to start pulling it up ( which admittedly isn't difficult but can be time-consuming! ) I have to get rid of loads of it every year, so that it doesn't colonise places where I'd rather it wasn't ( like in the veg patch for instance! )
The orange ones are lovely, but I never seem to get those to last for more than one season!
30 Aug, 2009
Thanks B! One for my forthcoming THUG patch (out front) then!!
30 Aug, 2009
I've just posted a photo of mine....have no fear, BA, you are NOT alone!
30 Aug, 2009
Never grown these either, but you have talked me into it !
3 Nov, 2009
Ha another convert, you won't regret it Flcrazy;-)
5 Nov, 2009
Tough as old boots, even though they look so delicate! They'll seed and spread and come up year after year after year, ad infinitum! Easy-peasy!
9 Nov, 2009
I think I've got some seeds for these!
Hi Ted, good to see you again!! Lol!
9 Nov, 2009
can I join the club? I love them too....
26 Nov, 2009
Certainly Okasia, the more the merrier:-)))
26 Nov, 2009
I would love to grow these since everyone seems to love them, but do they have to have a lot of sun. I don't have much.
29 Nov, 2009
Valerie, They grow in Britain!!!! they won't see a lot of sun here:-)))) I'd have thought you have loads more sun there than here. We had almost no summer this year. In my garden they grow anywhere except deep shade, they even set themselves in gravel, glad you like them, you can join the club:-))))
29 Nov, 2009
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I'll get round to getting some seed one day - I think my niece has it in her garden.
15 Jul, 2009