fuchsia basket
By Sanbaz

15 Jul, 2009
fuchsia basket opening
Comments on this photo
lol carol, looks better i think,
homebird i use liquid tomatoe food, its better than normal plant food, well i think so
16 Jul, 2009
once a week homebird :o)
16 Jul, 2009
According to Titchmarsh..liquid tomato feed for all flowering plants ! Seems to work for us !
18 Jul, 2009
same here BB, since using my flowering plants have really come along :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Agree Sanbaz...fuchsias and tomatoes all coming on a treat !
18 Jul, 2009
mind you BB had so much rain here to, which is great for the garden, with forcast another week of it :o( ive had enough of rain now, i just want some sunshine to dry out my grass so i can cut it and make it look tidy again
18 Jul, 2009
Yes San...hope for some more sun..had deluge yesterday and strong winds today.Need some more sun ! Lol.We never satisfied are we ! ?
18 Jul, 2009
nope, thats true, windy here to, keep picking my fuchsia flowers off the ground and just opening grrr
18 Jul, 2009
Ditto....seems such a shame after waiting so long for them to bloom !
18 Jul, 2009
yes i was so pleased with all my flowers blooming and colourful but now falling and rotting, especially my geraniums, were so big and bright but tonight all the petals going rotten, very disheartening
18 Jul, 2009
But better than last year.Nothing stood a chance !
18 Jul, 2009
yes alot better, no summer at all here, everything was ruined and baskets didnt do anything last year, i just gave up in the end :o(
18 Jul, 2009
Agree...so lets just wait for the good weather to return ! It will..soon !
18 Jul, 2009
fingers crossed BB, im sure it will to, anyway im off now, back and neck ache with this laptop lol, nite :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Night night ! x
18 Jul, 2009
Hi hun
have you a close up of this fuschia, it looks lovely whats it called
Im starting to purchase different ones although they are few and far between near me
garden is looking just great
x x x
21 Jul, 2009
when i got this jen it didnt have a tag and im not good with names, its so big but need some sun to bring out them blooms, i will try to get close-up ok then someone may put a name for you x update~~~ ive added a close-up pic for you jen x
21 Jul, 2009
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Nice one, think we both like green sheds & fences.
15 Jul, 2009