The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Solar light in place

Solar light in place

so in between the showers i dashed out to put them outside just need some sunshine now to charge them up LOL!!

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Will be really useful....:o)

19 Jul, 2009


have you had them before............

20 Jul, 2009


No first ones i've ever had, next door neighbour has some and hers light up every night, be interesting tonight to see if they light up!

20 Jul, 2009


how did they go last night............

21 Jul, 2009


Yey they worked!!! am hoping to get another 4 for further down the garden, my daughter says i ought to have one near the fairy door.

21 Jul, 2009


Good idea.......i started getting them 3 years ago.. now get a few more each year..................

22 Jul, 2009

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