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Nigella 'Moody Blue'

Nigella 'Moody Blue'

I scattered a packet of seeds called Nigella 'Moody Blues' and this is one of the few that came up!

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Now this one IS fantastic,

19 Jul, 2009


This is the darkest blue. I had a very poor germination rate, though. I just hope the ones that did flower seed themselves, like the 'normal' Nigella do.

19 Jul, 2009


What do you think was the cause of the poor germ. rate ?

20 Jul, 2009


I shall be brief. T&M.

20 Jul, 2009


Enough said :(

20 Jul, 2009


I agree with you both T&M thats all you need to say.

20 Jul, 2009


Whats T&M ? Well you knew I would ask :~))

20 Jul, 2009


Take a look at the advert on the right, Ian...

20 Jul, 2009


Its about Ebay now......or am I missing the point AGAIN ?? :~)

20 Jul, 2009


Yes, there's a plate or something for sale called 'Moody Blue'...I think I can resist that!

21 Jul, 2009


looks like you had far more success this year than you did with them last...lovely Spritz.

21 Jul, 2009


You have to be joking, Angie - last year's were meant to be purple...haha.

This year, I scattered TWO packets of seeds, one lot of white, and the 'Moody Blues'. Did I get a single white one? NO. And only 4 or 5 plants from the other packet. :-( I do hope they seed themselves, though...the purple ones didn't even produce seedpods!

I've bought a packet of Suttons 'Dark Blue' you think it would be OK to sow them now?

21 Jul, 2009


Oh Barbara, you crack me up, I did get the the end ! :~O

21 Jul, 2009


Hooray! The man's a genius! :-)

21 Jul, 2009



21 Jul, 2009

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