The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Plumeria rubra 'Thai' - Thai Plumeria

Plumeria rubra  'Thai' - Thai Plumeria (Plumeria rubra  'Thai' - Thai Plumeria)

My Thai Plumeria started blooming this week in the intense heat we've been having. Photo taken July 21, 2009. For my GoY friend Milky.

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Great colours on this Plumeria

22 Jul, 2009


Thanks! The flower fades to light yellow also.

24 Jul, 2009


Oh Andy......its so beautiful........There is still no sign of a flower spike coming on mine...alas...Thanks for sharing this.....

28 Jul, 2009



Thank you! It is beautiful...isn't it. I didn't realize I had this plant until it bloomed. lol! I have too many plants and Plumerias varieties to keep up. I'll have many more photos of Plumeria to share with you soon.

You may have to wait another year for your Plumeria to bloom...sometimes it can take a while with seed-grown Plumeria plants. Plumeria plants are very rarely planted from seed here...everyone gives away or sells the large cuttings from the large trees (or purchase named varieties which are sold at every nursery here)....this way you know the color and it will usually bloom the same summer it is planted.

29 Jul, 2009


Brilliant colour!

2 Jul, 2010



Thanks! This plant hasn't put out any buds yet...however, I have many other Plumeria plants blooming now.

2 Jul, 2010

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