~ Floral Highlights of 2010 - Part 1~
By pip_c
Not all of these gorgeous flowers are mine! Some belong to Nana, Mum, or my fabulous Great-Aunt Beryl, who has a great garden.
Sweet William:
Apple Blossom:
Potato Vine:
Sweet Allysum:
Kangaroo paw:
Mum’s corn:
Climbing Rose:
Hope you enjoyed :o))))))
16 Jan, 2011
More blog posts by pip_c
Previous post: My mum's tomatoes...
Next post: ♪ Oh, I'm a commuter! ♫
Thanks Columbine :o)
16 Jan, 2011
lots of lovely colour there pip thankyou for sharing them, certainly brightened up a cold ,dull, wet blackpool day lol :o)
16 Jan, 2011
Thanks for sharing. Such lovely colours on a gloomy Sunday Morning.
16 Jan, 2011
Thanks for sharing all those lovely flowers.
16 Jan, 2011
Just wanted to say what a great collection of pictures these are and what an inspiration they are as well, I'm looking forward to getting a little plot of my own :D Just beautiful, the Coleus and the Sweet William are two of my favourites!
16 Jan, 2011
This is beautiful, Pip, some truly great photos on here...a real feast for the eyes with us still in the midst of Winter, here in the UK...What a treat on a Sunday afternoon...thanks for brightening up my day....\0/x
16 Jan, 2011
Wonderful colourful blog Pip and love that Grivillea what a beauty and Kangeroo paw some wonderful roses you have too thanks for sharing bringing colour to the dismal uk.
16 Jan, 2011
wonderful display of colour there pip, love the sweet williams a plant we rarely see up here, thanks so much for sharing, like others on here, you have certainly brightend up a wet miserable day for me.
16 Jan, 2011
I wish I could nominate this for 'summer in the depths of winter award' iits so bright & cheerful Pip -- thankyou :o))
16 Jan, 2011
Everyone a winner,Pip..I think if I had to pick a favourite,it would be the Aquilegia..just lovely..thanks for sharing..x
16 Jan, 2011
lovely flowers, lovely pictures im sure i can smell those roses!
its a strange thing but somehow i didnt imagine daffodils in australia!! seems too hot for them?
16 Jan, 2011
wonderful photos, Pip - I think my favorite is the Grevillea.
16 Jan, 2011
Thanks everyone, for all your lovely comments :o) it's very motivating. Stay tuned for part 2...
17 Jan, 2011
Loved the photos, Pip...such a cheery sight and a reminder of what we can look forward to as the weather turns warmer :)
I really liked the gazinia's along the driveway....the sheer concentration of them looked impressive!
17 Jan, 2011
They're actually a weed! That's why they are so prolific... Glad you liked the blog Jacquie :o)
17 Jan, 2011
wish we had weeds like that!!!
17 Jan, 2011
18 Jan, 2011
we do have welsh [yellow] poppies and forget me nots as weeds ~ but i like them so all the poppies stay and i only take out some of the forget me nots
19 Jan, 2011
We have freesias and Agapanthus as weeds over here! Everyone on GoY is usually shocked when I say that.
19 Jan, 2011
oh that is unbelievable ~ we have to pay about £5 a bunch for freesias and agapanthus are even more difficult!!
our dandelions dont compare with your weeds!! i think i shall have to do a blog on weeds at this rate!!!
19 Jan, 2011
good ides Sticki-- some weeds are pretty --but not as pretty as Pips :o))
20 Jan, 2011
sunshine & colour, perfect.
20 Jan, 2011
Thanks Bampy :o)
Spritz asked me to do a blog on Aussie 'weeds' ages ago - but I never got around to it!
21 Jan, 2011
i could take a photo of my weeds and turn them upside down ~ would that be ok pip?
21 Jan, 2011
22 Jan, 2011
Great blog and pictures Pip! Watch out for my Zebra Grass, Shirleytulip split hers and said the roots went down almost as far as Australia! Might do mine this year, so could take a short cut to see you!!
26 Feb, 2011
Thanks Tet, What's Zebra Grass?
26 Feb, 2011
Oh I forgot lol! you didnt have one of them at the Brisbane Zoo!
Its a very tall grass (with very long roots apparently!) that has almost horizontal stripes on the leaves.
26 Feb, 2011
26 Feb, 2011
27 Feb, 2011
I don't live in Brisbane anyway...
27 Feb, 2011
Recent posts by pip_c
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- Finally! Recipes for Sticki and my CitC sisters.
11 Apr, 2011
- Beautiful North Head
26 Feb, 2011
- ♪ Oh, I'm a commuter! ♫
7 Feb, 2011
- My mum's tomatoes...
31 Dec, 2010
- Merry Christmas to all my GoY friends...
24 Dec, 2010
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Wow,that's a pleasure first thing on sunday morning :-)
Thanks for the lovely pictures. Love the aquilegia and the pale Hibiscus is gorgeous!
16 Jan, 2011