By pip_c
Today I have just returned from a weekend church camp and something very exciting happened. I was paddling about 1 centimetre into the Port Hacking River and suddenly a OCTOPUS grabbed my foot!!!!!!! :- (O) It swelled up a bit – my leg, that is, not the octopus – but no harm done. Thankfully it wasn’t a deadly blue-ringed one like we get here in Oz, it was huge!!!! at least 40cm across (Blue-Rings are tiny).
It seems that Australia is the world capital of the deadliest creatures in every species. We have Funnelweb and redback spiders, the names of which strike fear into even the most manly man’s heart. The Top 6 Most Venemous Snakes Ever all live here. In the sea, Blue-Ringed Octopuses and Box Jellyfish can kill you within days. Bluebottles (tiny jellyfish with looooong tentacles) infest our shores. Crocodiles monopolize our rivers and swamps.
I think I might move soon.
16 Aug, 2009
More blog posts by pip_c
Previous post: 14/8/2009
Next post: 17/8/2009
Wow! Pip c I bet that was a frightening experience, I know from a visit to the sea world centre the type of octopus you mean there were several in there all from Oz.
16 Aug, 2009
My dad had a cousin who went to live in Australia. He went for a swim in the sea and a shark killed him. I think you have to be careful wherever you are though.
17 Aug, 2009
My, what a sad story Hywel...sorry for that :(
21 Aug, 2009
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1 Apr, 2009
Great blog Pip c. Wow - grabbed by an octopus! Hope you're alright now. Our country certainly has its fair share of dangerous and deadly creatures doesn't it?
Up here in north Queensland the tourists cannot believe that we can't go swimming in the ocean from October to April because of the box jellyfish and the irukandji jellyfish - and of course it's not a great idea to go swimming where there are crocs and sharks. All those lovely beaches and creeks that we can't swim in!
16 Aug, 2009