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Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant

Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant  (Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant)

A close up of the buds and flowers. Unfortunately, this tree is extremely difficult to its flowers are so brilliant red, many cameras cannot capture its true color. Photo taken July 28, 2011.

Comments on this photo


it is a lovely colour..

29 Jul, 2011



It sure is, isn't it? A tree in full bloom is breath-taking.

29 Jul, 2011


Unfortunately, its true glory cannot be captured by camera.

29 Jul, 2011


that's always the way.. :-)

29 Jul, 2011


Looks a beautiful colour anyway. :o)

29 Jul, 2011


I can see why this is one of your favourites!
Understand the problem with reds too - isn't it strange how different the results can be on reds that are the same to the human eye too.

30 Jul, 2011



Thanks! :>)

30 Jul, 2011



Yes, this tree is so, so spectacular in person. We're so lucky to have them growing in San for most of California this tree is just too tropical to grow as a landscape tree. They are becoming more popular over the last 10 yeas (in southern Cal). Many people still feel, though, this tree cannot be grown anywhere in s. California. (but I prove them wrong. lol! )

30 Jul, 2011


Stunning Palmate :o)))

31 Jul, 2011




I've posted some new photos of may want to check them out. :>)

31 Jul, 2011


Wooo Hooo... no kidding! Can see why you'd use this as your avatar AND handle! Just stunning.

6 Aug, 2011



Thanks! :>)

Yes, it's an incredible flowering tree. It's considered by many "the most beautiful flowering tree in the world".

7 Aug, 2011

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