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Delonix still blooming
By Aleyna
- 15 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
15 Mar, 2009
Yes, you were correct! It's a beautiful tree! It's very ironic, I just planted 40 Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana seeds just a couple of hours ago.
18 Mar, 2009
Now, that caught my interest...
Where can I find the seeds? From those hanging pods?
How do I proceed to plant them?
21 Mar, 2009
Yes, the pod when they are completely brown...which is usually in the Winter. You can taken the seed pods and open them up...which is pretty difficult because you need a hammer to open the pod. I have instructions how to propagate this tree when you do a search for Delonix regia onGoY you will my instructions steps how I propagate this tree. If you follow these instructions they will sprout in about 4 to 7 days. Delonix regia makes a good bonsai plant also for high-light areas I've read. I haven't tried on yet indoors.
22 Mar, 2009
40 Delonix babies ! :o)
22 Mar, 2009
Hopefully Delonix will post a Baby's picture ... :o)
22 Mar, 2009
Or a picture of the whole Kindergarten. :o)
22 Mar, 2009
I'd love to see it... although the city forest garden (not sure about the translation) might have some Delonix babies :).
BTW thanks for the instructions Delonix, I found it and save it as a file.
The pods are green in that tree, I'll ask the house owner for a mature pod when it falls.
22 Mar, 2009
Aleyna, Terratoonie:
I'll be posting some photos of the Delonix regia babies today. They are all starting to pop up over the last week or so. They actually took a little longer than I expected germinate, usually, it's within 5 to 7 days from sowing. They are in my little unheated greenhouse which gets up to at least 95 degrees F/ 35 degrees C. everyday and many times much hotter.
5 Apr, 2009
Send some overseas would you???
5 Apr, 2009
Delonix regia can be grown from semi-hard wood cuttings also...however, they really need a controlled heated greenhouse environment to successfully root - from what I've read.
6 Apr, 2009
Photo 12 of 93
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Delonix1 will be pleased. :o) Lol.
15 Mar, 2009