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Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue'
By Spritzhenry

10 Jul, 2009
Comments on this photo
WOW, its lovely.
10 Jul, 2009
mmm very nice.
11 Jul, 2009
Lovely colour. I started with one of these (not necessarily the same variety) and it has seeded itself and I now have three or four.
11 Jul, 2009
Now I didn't know that they seeded! These are new this year, planted where we took a large Juniper tree out.
11 Jul, 2009
That is so unusual, I have never seen it before, what a brilliant blue!
11 Jul, 2009
Lovely colour........
11 Jul, 2009
Mine certainly have Spritz. Mind it has taken a few years.
11 Jul, 2009
I love these and planted one last year - but it has been really badly targetted by blackfly and the poor thing is looking all stunted and shrivelled :-S
12 Jul, 2009
Give them a nice wash with soapy water Sid.
12 Jul, 2009
Good idea Toto - I hope I haven't left it too late tho.....
12 Jul, 2009
YUK, Sid - I didn't know that blackfly liked them! I must take a look...
12 Jul, 2009
They like this one :-S
13 Jul, 2009
Oooohhh dear! Poor thing. :-(
13 Jul, 2009
Beautiful Spritz - mine is still in bud - the leaves on my sound a bit like Sid's, looks like I'll dowse it with soapy water then as Toto suggests.
14 Jul, 2009
fantastic blue!
23 Jul, 2009
Gorgeous colour,,,are they easy to grow? In pots?
24 Jul, 2009
I don't know about pots - I suppose it depends on the size!
24 Jul, 2009's just that my actual flower beds are stuffed now & the soil is weak so I tend to put anything new in pots! The crocosmia, balloon flowers, potentilla, dianthus, geranium etc etc are all in pots. I'll have a go with the echinops too!
24 Jul, 2009
Good luck... :-)
24 Jul, 2009
I have just bought one of these... and was looking up the info on them and found yours... which looks lovely...........
28 Jan, 2010
They were quite a feature in the border, with that colour and shape, Holly. I like them a lot! I know you will, too. :-))
28 Jan, 2010
roll on march and April...... then i can get going in the garden....cant wait to see these in flower... : O ))
28 Jan, 2010
I worked outside for about an hour this afternoon - but it was a bit too chilly to stay out longer. Oh, the weeds, the weeds. They don't care about cold weather, do they!
28 Jan, 2010
no they my garden gets very wet in the winter..... very boggy with the clay soil....... so i start in march/April depending on the weather.... your very brave to do gardeninig at this time of year.. : O ))
29 Jan, 2010
I don't feel much like it today, Holly - but I might try to do a bit as there's an Enkianthus that came and it's begging to be planted!
29 Jan, 2010
LOL.......Spritz............. i wouldnt garden today for anything the weathers been awful......
29 Jan, 2010
Well, I DID, Holly! The wind was c-c-c-old, but I forced myself out for an hour, and dug out the Lavatera roots, so there was room for the Enkianthus which said 'Thanks' when I planted it! LOL.
29 Jan, 2010
You must be a very dedicated gardener..... well done 4 braving all the cold.... Brrrrrrr.......
30 Jan, 2010
Thanks - I'll be out there again this afternoon for as long as I can stand it.
30 Jan, 2010
im going 4 a walk later..... if its not to cold....
31 Jan, 2010
I only managed 20 minutes today, to plant lilies in pots and label them up. Too cold out there for more. Only 3 degrees here max. Brrrr....
31 Jan, 2010
its meant to get a bit warmer this week and rain..... had a nice walk....but was glad to get back 4 a cup of
1 Feb, 2010
Our local forecast is rain - maybe sleet - for the next few days. I won't be outside in that! :-((
1 Feb, 2010
no i dont blame you......... your garden looks lovely in the pics TT put in her blog about the open days..........would love to come and see yours, but to far away.....
1 Feb, 2010
You'll have to have a weekend break in Somerset - the countryside is beautiful - and then come and visit - I'd show you round personally! :-)))
1 Feb, 2010
Thanks Spritz... that would be great.... you never know....
2 Feb, 2010
Just let me know! :-))
2 Feb, 2010
Thanks Spritz i will..... : O ))
3 Feb, 2010
Breathtaking and delicate, great pic Fluff!
2 Jul, 2010
Thanks, Pip - but I'm not Fluff! ;-)
2 Jul, 2010
Whoops! Sorry Spritz. Must have been having an off day. Is it easy to grow?
5 Jul, 2010
Seems to be, but I'm going to have to get the bugspray out - they've got blackfly, much to my surprise. :-(((
5 Jul, 2010
Oh dear. Hope you get rid of it, "Fluff".... LOL
8 Jul, 2010
I wonder if the real Fluff would mind coming down here and spraying them for me? LOL.
8 Jul, 2010
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Echinops Ritro 'Veitch's Blue' (Globe Thistle)
£7.99 at Crocus -
Echinops Ritro 'Veitch's Blue'
£6.99 at Best 4 Plants
thats beautiful
10 Jul, 2009