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Hoya Bella
By Meanie

27 Jul, 2010
Close up of the flowers - each flower is about 12mm in size.
Comments on this photo
Gorgeous....doesn't look like a little gems !!
27 Jul, 2010
WOW.....WHAT A BEAUTY. It looks like a velvet star with a plastic centre ~ Lovely...:o))
27 Jul, 2010
It does look very artificial doesn't it!
It's Sues plant and DOES NOT get moved when it's it flower, so it was probably quite a sight watching me trying to get this shot!!!!
27 Jul, 2010
What an incredible shot! The details are so vivid!
I think I still owe you some posted photos of the Wax vines (Hoya carnosa) which bloom on the palms in Balboa Park.
: > )
28 Jul, 2010
Thank you Delonix.
Because it's not allowed to be moved when flowering it was quite awkward to get the shot. Took several with different flash settings, but because of the pureness of the white they were not right. This shot was taken with a "gel" over the flash.
28 Jul, 2010
How interesting. I'll have to look into to getting one myself. I sometimes have problems with close up photos...even with the macro on.
28 Jul, 2010
They're just plastic sheets of differing shades which you cut, lick and "stick" to the front of the flash. A bit like a lens filter really. I used the blue one for this on the cameras integral flash (the hot shoe flash would cast nasty shadows this close). Even better would have been a macro lens with a ring flash attached, but I'm still saving!
28 Jul, 2010
I'll have to check the info. on the internet. I may need some camera supplies.
I hope the pics I take of the wax vines in Balboa Park come out half as clear as this photo! -- or I may not post them. lol! : > )
28 Jul, 2010
WOW fantastic
28 Jul, 2010
I wish that I could take credit for the plant Yorkshire!
28 Jul, 2010
What camera do you have Meanie if you don't mind me asking ?
29 Jul, 2010
Mushy - it's just a Nikon D40. A good entry level DSLR.
29 Jul, 2010
Wow Meanie! Thanks for directing me to this page.The close up makes it more like a shiny velvety flower.Really nature has so many wonders for us.
15 Aug, 2010
Thank you Camillia.
I've just posted a photo of the same plant "weeping" sap from the flowers!
15 Aug, 2010
Photo 2 of 3
What else?
See who else is growing Hoya bella (Miniature wax plant).
See who else has plants in genus Hoya.
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Stunning , it does look waxy ...
27 Jul, 2010