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Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Flowers
By Delonix1

20 Jun, 2011
My huge Jacaranda tree is just passing peak bloom now. I was looking directly up in the sky to take this photo. This tree is very difficult to photograph because of it's location. Photo taken June 19, 2011.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! This Jacaranda tree is was trimmed back by the city of San Diego about 4 months always grows into the electrical wires, even though it's more than 25ft down the hill from the telephone pole.
20 Jun, 2011
That's just amazing. Well, if I had one, I'd have no problem with telephone poles, as I could plant it just outside my garden,as we have vast open fields beyond our garden, and I would have the pleasure of looking at it from my kitchen window. lol. :o))
21 Jun, 2011
Yes, that would be the perfect place to plant a Jacaranda tree (in an open field). They can top out at 70ft/21m tall and have a very large spread. The very large trees are very spectacular in bloom. The many thousands of Jarcaranda streets trees here in San Diego are usually not allowed to get taller than 40ft/12m tall.
21 Jun, 2011
Purchasing a tree, should not be such a problem, as much as trying to purchase some warmer, sunny, weather. Lol. :o))
21 Jun, 2011
Is it not sunny and warm there?
Today it was a warm and humid 90ºF/32ºC. (for inland San Diego), tomorrow suppose to be much warmer.
21 Jun, 2011
The weather today and yesterday, is rain, wind, with the odd outburst of sun, until the next grey cloud passes over. We are almost at the end of June and we are still waiting for our Summer to start. :o(
22 Jun, 2011
Hopefully, your hot summer weather will be there soon!
We've been having just perfect weather here... it was sunny and around 90ºF/32ºC. today (a little cooler than yesterday) and muggy...luckily, it's not too hot, yet. Also, I really don't want to have to use the air conditioner, not yet anyway!
23 Jun, 2011
Rain again today, with the odd burst of sunshine. Tomorrow is my younger Daughters 35th Birthday. She was born in the famous Summer of 76. People still talk about that Summer. 1976, was the hottest Summer on record, and I believe it still is. :o))
23 Jun, 2011
I just read about the big United Kingdom heat of 1976. It's still the hottest summer on record according the article I read.
It kind of made me laugh a little...the temps experienced in The United Kingdom during the 1976 heatwave are our average temps in summer. lol! :>))
In 2006 most cities in California experienced the hottest and most humid summer ever recorded. It unfortunately caused many deaths! It was horrible because many livestock throughout the state were killed, also. We had one day when the heat index reached 136ºF/57.8C. the actual air temp was a humid 109ºF/42.8ºC. It was so hot and humid the whole summer of 2006 that many cities had brown outs due great energy demands and transformers were blowing all around my neighborhood and the city of San Diego (because of the the continuous 24/7 use of air conditioners. Many nights the temps never went below 80 - 85ºF. It was miserable!
The Pacific Ocean waters off San Diego and parts of Los Angeles hit a record high temp of 83ºF/28ºC. in 2006.
Here's a little more information on 2006 heatwave:
24 Jun, 2011
Wow! Have just read the article. That's hot, hot, hot!!!
And we thought 1976 was hot here!!! lol.
My only experience of heat like that, was in Mexico 5yrs ago. It wasn't just the heat, it was the humidity as well. I'd never experienced humidity like it. When you opened the balcony door, it was like some-one out there blasting you with a heat machine, making you go back inside. Midday, if we were in our room, we'd just lay on the bed, with the air conditioning on and the big ceiling fan on full blast. Your body seemed to be permanentally damp through the humidity.
Our holiday was beginning of September, but we were told best time to visit, would be around April time, as the humidity is'nt so bad. :o)
24 Jun, 2011
Yes, from what I understand parts of Mexico are extremely hot and humid. Hawai'i has weather like this sometimes..however, luckily, the trade winds keep the temps from getting too hot and humid.
Yes, the long 2006 heat wave was HORRIBLE! I hope we don't have a summer this hot again, for a long time.
26 Jun, 2011
I don't think we'll ever get a Summer like 1976 ever again. So far this year, where we live, we have only had about 2 weeks of warm weather at the beginning of May. :o)
27 Jun, 2011
We had some very hot weather during the first week and half of May...we had temps up to 100ºF/38ºC. However, overall we've had a pretty cool spring. Although, now that La Niña is pretty much gone...we should have a normal warm to hot summer and fall.
28 Jun, 2011
Well, guess what!!!
We have sunshine today. Again for how long, is anyones guess.
It's sunny, but cool.
To you, it would probably be quite cold. Lol.
I do believe, that Bob Hope, once said, and I quote;
"Great Britain, is the only country in the world, where you get four seasons in one day". lol.
How right he was. The perfect description of our country, and where we live in Wales, the weather can most definately be like this. :o))
28 Jun, 2011
That's funny! We sometime have weather like that, also. Although, most of the time it's during winter.
It's been pretty hot here...and it's going to be getting a lot hotter and humid very soon. I'm not looking forward to such hot temps. I like it warm, but not hot.
1 Jul, 2011
I'd like to have it JUST warm. Lol.;o)
1 Jul, 2011
Warm is subjective: What is warm to you? Warm to me is 88ºF/31ºC. Hot to me is anything over 95ºF/35ºC.
We're possible going to be up to 100ºF/38ºC. tomorrow until Monday or Tuesday.
2 Jul, 2011
Today, to us, we are having a hot day. Lol.
Outside temp in my garden at the moment is arond 24/25. and the time is 17-14pm.
I bought a few bargains yesterday, one of which was wood stain. So last evening and today, I have been busy staining the garden furniture, while we have the sunshine..... :o)
2 Jul, 2011
Those are very comfortable temps (perfect for gardening). 25ºC could be a nice winter's day, here. lol! :>) (it's very true, though).
Yesterday it was a humid 92ºF/33ºC...and the heat index was 100ºF/38ºC. Today it's suppose to be warmer. Yuck!
3 Jul, 2011
Today has been quite hot. I've just been out to check temp and it's reading a little more than 26, so it could have been as much as 27 earlier.
Daughter put paddling pool out for the little one, but listening to the weatherman earlier though, it doesn't look like it's going to last. He reckons rain midweek.
Well at least I've managed to stain most of the furniture, and harvest a few potatoes as we're having a barbie later. :o)
3 Jul, 2011
It wasn't as hot yesterday as it was suppose to be...the monsoonal clouds came in early preventing it from getting too hot. However, today is a different story. It's already hot, muggy and it's still early morning.
4 Jul, 2011
Hope you had a lovely 'Happy Holiday'.
We had our 'barbie' on Sunday and potatoes were lovely. lol. Later in the evening I went to fold the patio chairs to put away, but had a fight with one of them. lol.
As I tried to fold it, it reopened suddenly and hit my leg, just above my ankle. Blood spurting everywhere, I grabbed it to put pressure on it, then my daughter came running with a towel, I was afraid to look, as I didn't no how bad it was.
Daughter and Hubby patched me up, so yesterday morning, I had to see the doctor, as they thought I may have needed stitches. I have a split about 2ins, so now have 4 plastic stitches and dressing, which must be left in place for a week.
Told granddaughter, I'll not be able to go paddling in her pool for a while. lol. and as it is, we had another barbie last night, and this morning, it's pouring with rain again....
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks! :>)
That's horrible about your ankle! I hope it not too painful, anymore! It sounds like it was a very traumatic experience.
Some rain is better than none. Right now we have a very strong monsoonal flow...and it's been pouring rain out to the southeast of me. It was so unbearably hot and humid today. It's still very uncomfortably hot and humid at 9:00 p.m. I hope tonight my house will get below 84ºF/29ºC. or the air conditioner will have to go on soon.
6 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Andy.
My leg isn't too painful, only when I forget and try to cross my legs. lol.
We have had torrential rain and wind all day today.
Seems like we have gone back to autumn and winter weather.
Daughter had to go and retrieve little ones gazebo, as it was being blown around the garden, and dismantle her paddling pool, as we don't know how long we'll have this weather for.
Hope your house cools down for you this evening, to save you having to use air conditioning. :o)
6 Jul, 2011
Glad to hear you're not in too much pain!
It sounds like very unusual weather for July...even for the UK.
Today was even hotter...not sure when it's going to cool down...maybe in November? :>)
8 Jul, 2011
Poor you Andy, having to wait until November. :o)
8 Jul, 2011
Today is still hot, although, slightly cooler than yesterday. Tomorrow it's only suppose to be up 86ºF/30ºC which is around normal.
Sometimes in November we can get some very, very hot weather. It's the sunniest month (statically) in San Diego.
November of 2008 was the hottest in 20 years....we had day after day of 90ºF/32ºC to 100ºF/38ºC days. I lost several plants to desiccation (because of the very low humidity) and even some of my plumerias were cooked (they usually love the heat, however, with the lower sun angle they fried with the reflected heat along the backyard's house wall).
9 Jul, 2011
I think I might have fried in that heat too. lol.
Don't think I could cope with continual heat like that.
I like the way you say, ONLY 86. lol. :o)
9 Jul, 2011
I had the A/C going full blast during this big heat wave in 2008.
LOL! Well, our normal highs inland range from: 89ºF/32ºC - 93ºF/34ºC. (not including the San Diego County deserts which average 108ºF/42ºC.) Today the temp here was 87ºF/30.6ºC., although it felt much hotter with the humidity.
9 Jul, 2011
Wow, that's hot. I would most definately frazzle in that heat. lol.
Going off the subject slightly.... The film Jurassic Park, was on TV tonight and it brought back a few memories of Hawai'i.
The other side of Oha'u, being the wettest place?
Rain 365 days of the year?
AND, purple bread rolls. lol. Made from 'Taro' flour, I believe?...... :o)
10 Jul, 2011
Typically, the northeastern side of all the Hawaiian Islands are very wet. Mount Waiʻaleʻale, Kau'i is the wettest or rainiest spot on earth. 683 inches (17,300 mm) was recorded in 1982...which is the most rain ever recorded on earth in one year.
10 Jul, 2011
Sorry, my mistake.
It was when we visited Kau'i we were told this.
The guy pointed out the area to us. We didn't actually visit the area.
He also showed us the 'Taro' fields, which as I said, was amazed to eat purple bread. lol. :o)
10 Jul, 2011
Yes, Kau'i has lots of taro fields...well, the last time I was there were many, anyway...and that's been many years. (1982).
11 Jul, 2011
We visited November 2000.
We were there when you celebrate 'Thanksgiving'.
It was wonderful to be able to share the holiday, especially 'Hawaiian' style.
Would love to buy taro flour, and make some bread for my Grandchildren to see the colour. Lol. :o)
12 Jul, 2011
Thanksgiving is a good time to visit Hawai'i....the weather is just perfect, warm.
I haven't been to Kau'i in almost 30 years. Most of my mother's family comes originally from Kau'i. Many of my father's family are from the Big Island of Hawai'i.
13 Jul, 2011
So you are what I would call a 'true' Hawiian.
Hope I've not offended you by using that term, but when we were there, we met a lot of different people, like, Fijian, Samoan, New Zealanders and American....
and of course, 'Hawaiin' :o)
Yes you are right. The weather was just perfect. Warm, but bareable to us, and the sea was lovely too.
In the evenings, we enjoyed a walk along the beach.
And I absolutely adored all the torches being lit up.
Most definately 'Paradise'. :o)
13 Jul, 2011
No, I'm not a true Hawaiian. My family has been in Hawai'i for more than 110 years, though. And I do have family living on most of the Hawaiian Islands.
I should have said the weather is very comfortable in late November. The temps usually stay at a constant high/low of 83ºF(28ºC) / 72ºF (22ºC).
13 Jul, 2011
Lol. Andy.
To have Family living on the Islands for 110yrs, to me,
you are what 'I' would call a 'true' Hawaiian. :o)
14 Jul, 2011
One day I may want to move back...maybe to Hilo, Hawai'i. I love the climate there...and it rains almost everyday.
16 Jul, 2011
If you enjoy rain, you could come live in Wales. Lol.
Today is the 20th July, and we are still geting rain.
It has poured down all night, and is still pouring down now.
My Grandchildren finished school yesterday for the summer, and the weather outlook is not good. The youngest Granddaughter is already asking when is the rain going to stop, so she can play in the garden!!! ;o)
20 Jul, 2011
I'd love to visit Wales! However, I don't think the high temp is 85ºF/29ºC. almost every day of the year (even though it rains every day) like in Hilo. :>)
20 Jul, 2011
Nope! Temp today was around 14/15.
Sorry, but our weather is nothing like Hilo. lol. Although you are welcome to visit anytime. :o)
21 Jul, 2011
One day I'm going to get to the UK. It's been quite a while since my last trip to Europe.
Wow! That is so, so cold!!! I think people in much of the U.S. wish they had such temps. Many parts of the U.S. are under excessive heat warnings...with heat indices of 115ºF/46ºC. or higher. Luckily, here in inland San Diego the high temps have only been between 88ºF/31ºC and 92ºF/33ºC., which is normal.
21 Jul, 2011
Another rotten day today!
Has rained or 'drizzled' most of the day, and earlier we had torrential rain.
It was absolutely lashing down, like it does in a thunderstorm, although we didn't get the thunder.
Weatherman said earlier, that temps may get to 20/21, Friday and Saturday. Can't see that happening for tomorrow, as it's still really cloudy and damp.
21 Jul, 2011
It sounds like you're back in winter. I wish we could get some torrential rains! :>)
I'll send you some of San Diego's warm and dry weather. :)
22 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Andy. Some warm dry weather would be wonderful. Just not toooo hot.
Weathermen got it wrong again. So far we've only had bursts of sunshine, and it's still quite cold and cloudy.
Seems like we are almost back to Winter :o)
23 Jul, 2011
I hope it warms up for your soon!
We've had some below normal temps, too. It was only a sunny 84ºF/29ºC today...which is fine with me. :>)
It's just about midnight here and it's already down to 70ºF/21º feels cool (it could much, much hotter this time of year). It's very good sleeping weather.
24 Jul, 2011
We've had 2 days of beautiful, warm, hot weather, so I made the most of the gardening.
Was a bit too warm yesterday for gardening, but there
were jobs that had to be done.
I just kept taking shelter for a while, and drinking plenty of water. Temp reached 25-26 in my back garden.
Today, was another story. We had a really cloudy, overcast day, but fairly warm.
Will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. ;o)
27 Jul, 2011
Glad to hear you're getting some nice warm weather there! Hopefully it will continue for a while. :>)
It's been so comfortable for the last two days...I'm enjoying it....because very hot and humid weather is returning tomorrow and will continue for several days. Yuck!
28 Jul, 2011
We've had a nice warm day again today.
Started off cloudy, but then the sun appeared for a while, and the temp reached 25/26.
It's been cloudy most of the day, warm but cloudy, and when the sun shone it was really burning hot. (well burning hot to us, anyway lol.) :o)
28 Jul, 2011
That's funny! Burning hot! :>)
Yes, I do know that burning hot feeling. When I water my backyard I need a huge hat...or I feel my skin burning (literally). I don't stay out in the sun very long.
29 Jul, 2011
Another funny dry day today again.
One minute it was very cloudy and cool.
Next minute it was cloudless and very warm (short lived), and then cloudy again, but cloudy and warmish.
Temps been around 20-22.
Got a good bit of gardening done though, as it was nice and comfortable weather to work in. :o)
29 Jul, 2011
It sounds like comfortable weather.
Our low temp around 4:23 a.m. was 70ºF/21ºC and the high was 82ºF/28ºC. which is below normal. Typically, this time of year the high temps are consistently around 90ºF/32ºC or much higher. I'm enjoying it! :>)
31 Jul, 2011
Guess what? Persistant rain again today.
Haven't been on here for a couple of days, as not had access to laptop.
Done quite a bit of gardening though.
Weeding. errggggg!!!!
Cutting plants back, and generally trying to tidy up a bit.
Rain stopped play today, so couldn't do garden, instead I've nursed a headache all day almost. :o)
1 Aug, 2011
Send some of the rain here. lol!
The monsoonal moisture was over the mountains and deserts areas today(they've been getting the rain and thunderstorms). We've just had the heat and humidity.
It still feels warm at 10:30 tonight (it's still 83ºF/28ºC.).
2 Aug, 2011
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Just simply fantastic. What I would give to have this in my garden. :o)
20 Jun, 2011