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Lantana Camara
By Skippy5869
- 30 Oct, 2008
When I first joined GOY, it was to get an identification of this plant which just popped up out of the ground one day. Various members identified it for me and it is still blooming away and the plant is getting bigger. I have decided to designate another garden area surrounding this plant so I just added more work to my already overloaded schedule but isn't that what gardeners tend to do?
Comments on this photo
It is so pretty ...I really like it likes the warm sun doesn't it...I probably could not grow it either.....
30 Oct, 2008
Thanks for sharing. This is very pretty.
31 Oct, 2008
I don't know very much about it. Came up on it's own without water. Well, it did rain a few days before it came up but I don't know how long it had been waiting for that speck of rain. We'll see what it does during the winter. We do get a few days of freezing weather sometimes. When I read up on it, I found out it is considered a noxious weed in many parts of the world. Well, of course! Seems like we grow weeds quite well in Arizona.
31 Oct, 2008
I love how you get different colours on the same plant with these, AND later on, berries!
3 Nov, 2008
Gillian ~
Delonix1 has recently uploaded some of these Lantana plants.
Apparently they grow like weeds in his front yard !
And Terry60 is soon going to take photos of some Lantana plants with mixed colours in Italian pots.
3 Nov, 2008
Great! I'll be checking them out! I think I saw the Delonix1 pictures, that was yesterday's day! (Unless there are new pictures since then)
3 Nov, 2008
Very pretty flowers ;))
2 Dec, 2008
I guess a seed must have been dropped there somehow, Skippy. The hummers love this plant. I like it too, the way it gets different colours on the petals of one flower, very pretty effect. It does have rather a strange scent tho'.
1 May, 2009
Alandra, This is going to be my second year for it to bloom. I will watch for hummers but they usually frequent and squabble over my tobacco tree.
1 May, 2009
Photo 6 of 40
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This photo is of "lantana" in Skippy5869's garden
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Skippy ~
I really love this plant, and even more now I know it brought you to GoY . Lol.
I have a pic. of it by Deida5l on my favourite photos.
Too tender to grow in my garden I fear.
I wish you luck with growing more Lantana. :o)
30 Oct, 2008