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Liriope muscari
By Siris

28 Sep, 2016
Liriope muscari is a mass of flower stems now, and it is in a very awkward place, little sun, but very obliging each year.
Comments on this photo
Nice, pretty sure I have one somewhere, or did.
28 Sep, 2016
That's doing really well...our variegated one is flowering found it by accident dare not move it.. have waited a long time for it to flower not as many flowers as yours though
28 Sep, 2016
Was not aware there is a variegated one. This flowers, this well consistently each year.
28 Sep, 2016
We have four different ones....not sure the common green ones are going to flower this year, they are very hit and miss here!!
28 Sep, 2016
This plant is contained on two sides, I wonder if it having its root's restricted promotes mass flowering.
29 Sep, 2016
I have a green one that is supposed to have white flowers called marlyn has never flowered in the six or so years I've had it! The black one usually flowers for me.
29 Sep, 2016
Black leaved Liriope? Or Ophiopogon planiscarpus Nigrescens.? When is a Lily Turf a Mondo Grass?
29 Sep, 2016
Siris perhaps that's what ours need....I looked at our yellow leafed one today but sadly no flowers but a couple on the green variety...I think Karen is thinking of Ophiopogan....!!
29 Sep, 2016
Yes, I can find no reference to a black leaved Liriope, but have found, locally if in stock, Liriope spicata White Dragon, Gin-ryu, both variegated and muscari Monroe White. Must have!
29 Sep, 2016
I have the yellow variegated but there is a white and green also.... Monroe white looks interesting too..... let me know if you manage to get one locally!
30 Sep, 2016
Yes, bought a Monroe White today.
6 Oct, 2016
Well done.....
9 Oct, 2016
What I want, what I really, really want ?is a Pure Blond, to put with my Black Mondo Grass.
10 Oct, 2016
Will keep a look out for you Siris!!
10 Oct, 2016
You should be so lucky, ...lucky ,lucky lucky!
11 Oct, 2016
11 Oct, 2016
Got to keep searchin, searchin.......Del Shannon!!
12 Oct, 2016
Photo 14 of 41
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I always think you need a lot of flowers on these to get a good show, and you've plenty there.:)
28 Sep, 2016