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By Stan510
- 12 Jan, 2018
My best to try something different in the bay area. Its adjusting by growing shorter compact leaves in our drier climate. Probably will be another of my large potted plants collections. The leaves on this are razor sharp..not a plant for anyplace it might make contact with people.
I think I detect some January growth too.
Comments on this photo
It looks very good! If you planted it into the ground it may grow big. I don't know if gophers would like the roots on this plant.
20 Jan, 2018
Can't take a chance. But I want stilt soon you will see it wrapped in plastic over moss. A bigger pot too.
20 Jan, 2018
Which Pandanus species is this one?
21 Jan, 2018
P.furcatus. I ordered it from Florida. I think it was $16 and another $15 for mail. They really soak you on shipping costs.
I got the idea when some HUGE ones growing near the beach in Corona Del Mar were posted on hardypalm board by SD native Brandt.
Here's the link.,-117.2788549,3a,76y,323.44h,93.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siQruZou4BD5VWTKvnyCsBw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
There's second huge one down this street.
21 Jan, 2018
I think I remember seeing this species of Pandanus for sale years ago in the San Francisco Bay Area (I think at Home Depot). I wasn't too interested in it because of all the spines. This is why I don't have one.
I've seen many Pandanus growing near the coast around San Diego. They do really well even inland. I haven't taken many pics of them, though.
The tallest and largest Pandanus I've seen is at The Bahia Hotel in Mission Bay. I think it's 30' or so tall. It's always kept really nice and manicured.
21 Jan, 2018
These at Carona Del Mar are not much of a trip for you to see. Like I said,two homes have these big thugs.. Well pruned of lower branches and dead leaves.
22 Jan, 2018
Theses are in La Jolla or maybe bordering on Del Mar, according to the map. Corona Del Mar is in Newport Beach, Orange County. :>))
22 Jan, 2018
Looks lovely Stan I would put it in a large pot.
22 Jan, 2018
La Jolla? oops.
Penny,its destiny. Its in a winter spot. I think I can find a better spot to show it off now that mild weather is here to stay.
4 Feb, 2018
That's ok. :>))
5 Feb, 2018
I've raised it to get more sun. One thing I see? They don't like wet soils in winter. I see that "too wet rot" on some inner leaves. Because,It sure isn't sunburn this time of year. I also noticed that other plants to the left and right? Would take up saucer water under them in winter dry spells. The Pandanus does not. This Pandanus must go much more dormant in winter here. No need to even water it in winter.
8 Feb, 2018
Most tropicals want to be kept dry in winter. I'm sure Pandanus is one of those plants.
8 Feb, 2018
This is tricky as I would label it. Very marginal here..but hardier then Crotons I've tried. Until I see one around here Andy growing happily outdoors..this is a first.
But,I have heard of people in the bay area growing Pandanus monotheca. Its from higher elevatons in the tropics.
14 Feb, 2018
Yes, Pandanus is a tropical tree. I think if you find the right spot, it should do well for you.
I love the look of Pandanus, I just don't like all the spines! lol! :>))
15 Feb, 2018
Its holding up better with cold and dry then it did with cool and wet.
22 Feb, 2018
Yes, a lot of tropicals don't like the cold wet. They tolerate cold dry, especially Plumeria and succulents.
24 Feb, 2018
Photo 10 of 21
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I also might try wrapping the trunk with moss and cellophane to get it to grow air roots. Get the big Pandanus look in a small pot.
13 Jan, 2018